Everyone SEEMS to have this AWARENESS of Charlie Chaplin because he was a REALLY good businessman while Buster KEATON wasn't.

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LOVE grounds you. It orients you. Love brings your awareness to others and yourself. Love opens your MIND and HEART to others and yourself. Love settles you and GIVES you BALANCE.

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It takes an extraordinary toll on me to re-live my experiences, the horrors of my PAST and the pain I had to endure. And yet, I believe remembering is the only way to promote HEALING, to promote awareness and ACCOUNTABILITY.

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Our subliminal MENTAL processes operate outside AWARENESS because they arise in these portions of our mind that are inaccessible to our conscious SELF; their inaccessibility is due to the architecture of the BRAIN rather than because they have been SUBJECT to Freudian motivational forces like repression.

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It really LASTED the whole game, because I was really untouchable, unstoppable that game. But it was heightened on one particular play, and that was the longest RUN where EVERYTHING completely slowed down. My awareness was so KEEN, it was so heightened, it was really amazing.

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I've developed a HUGE REGARD for TOYOTA for its environmental AWARENESS, for its immense commitment to research and development in this field, and for its leadership in developing hybrids which others are now following.

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The education, the CULTURAL awareness, is different in EUROPE, especially in France, from that in the UNITED States. So I think the public will be much more appreciative of many images.

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Words do two major THINGS: They PROVIDE food for the mind and CREATE light for UNDERSTANDING and awareness.

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By the late 1980s, there was the beginning of AWARENESS about a significant GLOBAL landmine problem, and small steps were being TAKEN to TRY to deal with the problem.

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While social media is a one of the best tools to spread BRAND AWARENESS, network, stay updated on the LATEST industry news, and catch up with friends or family, it's another HUGE time waster.

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I count myself a a rationalist and a skeptic with a very CONSCIOUS AWARENESS of my indebtedness to WESTERN Christian civilization, and I am a FAIRLY passionate defender of it.

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I have no sense of being FAMOUS - you're just WORKING. And then you'll have a random day in London when you'll do some press and it creeps into your awareness that this goes out - that what you do every day goes out to televisions RIGHT ACROSS the COUNTRY.

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There should be more WOMEN DIRECTING; I think there's just not the awareness that it's REALLY possible.

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You know, when PEOPLE look at a TREE, they look at the LEAVES; they don't look at the SPACES between the leaves. They're focused on the tree. I think there's an awareness of spaces or it wouldn't look LIKE a tree to them.

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