In my memoir, I ADMIT that I've been as fearful of SUCCESS as of failure. In fact, when 'Passages' was PUBLISHED, I so dreaded bad reviews that I ran away to Italy with a GIRLFRIEND and our children to hide out.

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You, too, women, cast AWAY all the cowards from your embraces; they will give you only cowards for children, and you who are the DAUGHTERS of the LAND of beauty must bear children who are NOBLE and BRAVE.

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EVERYBODY has a different journey. Everybody has a different PATH, and you don't REALLY know what to expect. All you know is to just KEEP plugging AWAY, and you hope something will come through and something will happen.

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When I come HOME, my daughter will run to the door and give me a BIG hug, and everything that's happened that DAY just melts AWAY.

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These diseases, both alcoholism and ADDICTION, MUCH like BIPOLAR or depression and different illnesses, are STILL not seen as real diseases. People shy AWAY from seeking help because it's viewed as being somewhat morally off the path, that they've lost their way.

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I'm quite laid-back but some people say I'm unemotional. I don't get carried AWAY with success and similarly I don't get DEPRESSED when something bad HAPPENS. I didn't take it personally when rival fans threw BANANA skins at me when I was playing for Liverpool. I can't control 50,000 idiots shouting at me, so why would it bother me?

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Many PEOPLE who did not die right AWAY came down with nausea, headache, diarrhea, malaise, and fever, which LASTED several days. Doctors could not be certain whether some of these symptoms were the RESULT of radiation or nervous SHOCK.

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I think President Trump is trying to distract the country AWAY from the failures he's had - the INABILITY to GET a HEALTH care bill that both sides could come together on.

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The campaigns of Steve Forbes, PAT Buchanan, Ross Perot, and John MCCAIN all outperformed expectations on their support from independent voters. They made no effort to shy away from ideology, but conveyed to voters that their policies were driven by principle, not party TALKING POINTS.

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My father never really encouraged me or EVEN took an interest after I WALKED away from the FAMILY business. No one did except my mother and my GRANDFATHER. To be truthful, I cannot remember one MEANINGFUL conversation I had with my father.

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Scotland is so gorgeous that every time I'm there, I start to dream of living there. I WANT to buy one of those whitewashed cottages with the thatch roofs and gaze out at the SEA and READ my BOOKS. I want to be away from the INTERNET and the news and lawn mowers at 7 A.M. on Sunday mornings.

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MONEY doesn't MEAN anything to me. I've made a lot of money, but I want to enjoy LIFE and not stress myself building my bank account. I give lots away and live SIMPLY, mostly out of a suitcase in hotels. We all know that good health is much more important.

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Wipe the tears AWAY, stand up, be a man, run your BUSINESS, FIND a way.

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I'm broken from the INSIDE. The DEPRESSION that has slowly eaten away at me has finally consumed me, and I couldn't BEAT it.

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Lord of the Rings, I THINK, is far and AWAY the most brilliantly DONE STUFF.

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