Future's not everybody. The people who are taking my style are like my babies. I've got a TRIBE of KIDS that WANT to be like me... But I UNDERSTAND why people want to imitate the things I do. They're dope. It comes NATURALLY to me. My fans can expect greatness. If I wasn't me, I would want to be me.

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Conservatives were SURE that if you eliminated welfare for single moms, it WOULD eliminate - or at lease GREATLY reduce - single motherhood. So in 1996 we had welfare reform. Did not change the trend in the LEAST. Soon half of all babies will be born out of wedlock.

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It SEEMS like, to me, SOMEWHERE between 30 and 35 is a really, really GOOD time to turn your EGGS into BABIES.

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I was lucky ENOUGH to go home and RAISE our BABIES.

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I have a NOVEL that I can write. It's about three SOLDIERS from Somalia. Some babies have been disappearing up on 144th Street, and I SPECULATE later on what happened to them and how they might have been got back. These guys are dead, all three, and they have a CHANCE in the afterlife to do SOMETHING they should have done when they were alive.

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I was a hotshot as a junior. When I was 18, I REALLY got into fiddling around. I completely lost INTEREST in GOLF, and I GUESS all I could think about was GOING to college, getting married and having babies.

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Cuddly TOY rabbits were a REAL comfort for all of my BABIES - once they got to a certain age they would nuzzle the FUR.

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A lot of WOMEN in New ZEALAND feel like they have to make a CHOICE between having babies and having a career or continuing their career. So is that a decision you feel you have to make or that you feel you've already MADE?

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We SEE very, very HIGH rates of C-sections, Cesarean sections, in India. Lots of REASONS for it, high levels of malnutrition have meant that WOMEN have very small pelvic areas OFTEN, so if they have larger babies, it's very hard to deliver.

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Don't GIVE tips to FRIENDS who are about to have BABIES UNLESS they ASK!

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I know that a MOTHER, no MATTER how impoverished or uneducated, will do anything to SAVE her babies.

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AROUND 20 MILLION premature and low-birth WEIGHT babies are born EVERY year and are at HIGH risk of death or disability because of hypothermia.
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'Good Morning America' exploited JOAN Lunden's pregnancy, but you won't SEE me bringing my babies on the AIR. The only reason I'm talking about the babies at all is that they've been with me on the SHOW since I became pregnant. After a while, I had to ACKNOWLEDGE this pumpkin tummy.

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My record as a pro-LIFE GOVERNOR is not in dispute. I am completely pro-life, and I BELIEVE that we should have a culture of life. It's informed by my faith from beginning to end. And this not just as it RELATED to unborn babies - I did it at the end of life issues as well. This is something that goes way BEYOND politics.

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The TABLOIDS, INSTEAD of being about ALIEN BABIES and STUFF, it's my triplets, quadruplets, marriages, feuds.

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