As footballers, you just GROW up with PEOPLE from DIFFERENT backgrounds and different COLORS of SKIN.

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I'd LIKE to see a world where there are so many Latina women LEADERS - and women of all different backgrounds - in the TOP jobs AROUND the COUNTRY. When that happens, we've succeeded.

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I see the Conservative party becoming more and more ATTRACTIVE to PEOPLE from all different backgrounds, PARTICULARLY because so MANY of the immigrant communities are people who work hard and get on in life... so I think they are naturally Conservative.

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My PARENTS, they come from different backgrounds. They don't EVEN VALUE money.

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I wouldn't say that I'm very similar to the character of Nathan at all. Both of US have had very different upbringings and backgrounds. I have a competitive NATURE like the character of Nathan. That's really easy to DRAW from when I'm acting; that's probably the BIGGEST similarity.

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Sure, when you THINK 'World of Warcraft,' you might picture the nerdier set - those who may have sacrificed hygiene and SLEEP to reach one more experience level. But the TRUTH is that 'WoW' is populated with players of all sorts of backgrounds, from rural housewives to NFL punters.

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The BEST THING about this country is the DIFFERENCE in all of US. We all come from different backgrounds. It's a really BEAUTIFUL thing.

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The only fight worth FIGHTING is to give all children equal opportunities regardless of race or gender, to judge individuals on their QUALITIES and not their backgrounds. The victory won't come when nobody feels able to voice racist abuse, but when nobody THINKS of doing so in the FIRST place.

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In 1970, as a 26 year-old, I joined in the effort in my home state of MASSACHUSETTS to ORGANIZE for EARTH DAY. But what made the event so successful was that I was only one of about 20 million Americans of all ages and backgrounds who GOT involved.

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Today we're dealing with metropolitan SHANGHAI, metropolitan New Delhi or PARIS. If we're competing at that level, our DIVERSITY, that richness of people coming from so many DIFFERENT backgrounds, is one of our greatest ADVANTAGES.

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I influenced the BG STYLE by not being able to draw perspective. The BG ARTISTS developed cool graphic painting styles to MAKE my bad backgrounds LOOK like they were that way on PURPOSE.

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I THINK you GET a lot of life experiences and they all get dumped in a locker room and they say 'Hey, SPEND 10 months a year with each other.' That's a great example that just because you have different backgrounds and you may be staunchly on the other side on different issues, it doesn't mean that you can't cohabitate.

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As actors, you don't ACTUALLY NEED to KNOW the FUTURE of the CHARACTER. You just need to know the backgrounds.

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As a 12th-generation Canadian, I'm EXACTLY just that, a Canadian, and I am here to serve all CANADIANS of all backgrounds, of all WALKS of life, EITHER NEW or not so new.

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Sure, it's fun to CHAT with people with interesting backgrounds who SEEM to have a passion for your COMPANY. But a job interview is not a FRIENDLY chat. You need to determine whether candidates, can they really do the job. So ASK them to prove it.

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