I was a really GIRLY girl when I was YOUNGER. I only wore pink until I was at least 12. Think of me in culottes with a Bagpuss T-shirt and frizzy hair. Oh, and I was a FAT child. It was bad NEWS.
Back in the '70s, like one of my FAVORITE movies ever was 'The Bad News BEARS', and that was a kids' movie, but I don't think of it that way. I think of it as just a great movie because Walter Matthau was so FUNNY and so harsh with those kids.
The bad NEWS is that my THIN melanoma has something called mitosis, which means the cancer cells are dividing and multiplying even as I write. My thin melanoma has already spread OUTSIDE of the tumor and into the deep LAYERS of SKIN.
I THINK cancer is a hard battle to FIGHT alone or with another person at your side, but I will say having someone to pick you up when you FALL, stand by your side through EVERY appointment and delivery of bad news, is priceless.
We always like to KEEP our children in a KIND of bubble and censor the bad news about the WORLD. We like to tell them the world is full of benevolent, NICEPEOPLE.
The BADNEWS is, I have worked less than I have liked. The GOOD news is, I can look back on my body of WORK and feel truly proud of the work I have done.