When I was five YEARS old, my parents gave me a drum set for Christmas. My MOM played the piano, and Dad played the SAXOPHONE badly. But that Christmas morning, I remember we all played TOGETHER, and I thought it was the greatest day ever.

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I would NEVER ALLOW anyone to give me MONEY, no difference how BADLY I needed it. I WANTED literally to earn my living.

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At the BEGINNING of my career, it was very hard to GO up. Now, it's very hard to stay on TOP. You have to stay there, and I want to stay there so badly. I'm still standing.

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When I look around at this world, we WOMEN need each other so badly, it breaks my heart. Sisterhood is dissipating, and we aren't doing nearly ENOUGH to salvage it. Eliminate the crazies in your life, yes. But ALSO look again at those around you.

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The man who has PLANNED badly, if fortune is on his side, MAY have had a stroke of luck; but his PLAN was a BAD one nonetheless.

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He has not lived badly WHOSE BIRTH and death has been unnoticed by the WORLD.

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Every time I GOT 'Amazing Spider-Man' or 'Fantastic Four' or another BOOK firmly on the rails, we got pulled into some big event book or crossover and it COST momentum and messed BADLY with the pacing and structure of the book.

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If I feel that I'm not ABLE to do my best work - whether that's my own fault or as a result of an editorial situation - then I need to stop doing it. I would rather not do SOMETHING than do it BADLY or ineffectively. It's the only way I can live with myself and do right by the fans in the long haul.

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If I've inadvertently become some sort of ROLE MODEL for failed COMEDIANS, then it's REALLY backfired very badly on me.

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We are BEATEN, we will MAKE no BONES about it; but we are not too BADLY beaten STILL to fight.

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There were players who could leave the result at Anfield, but me? No chance. I got INVOLVED in the running of two restaurants in Liverpool to take my mind off FOOTBALL but, before the opening night of each one, I'd PLAYED badly. It MEANT I couldn't enjoy the party. It felt like I had to punish myself.

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The PRESSURE from within used to have an IMPACT on my behaviour. If games had gone badly, I WOULD take things HOME with me. I'd be snappy at my kids and felt constantly wound up.

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BACK in 2014, I INJURED my LEFT knee BADLY.

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If you want SOMETHING badly ENOUGH, and DECIDE that you will GET it, you will.

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I haven't had TROUBLE with writer's BLOCK. I think it's because my process involves writing very badly. My FIRST drafts are filled with lurching, cliched writing, outright flailing around. Writing that doesn't have a GOOD voice or any voice. But then there will be good moments.

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