Your band members? Your band members don't WANT to be TIED to a machine. They want to be PLAYING. That's what the Beatles did. And the Beatles' stuff is timeless. That's what I would suggest. Just get back to sweating, playing hard, hammering, and having a blast.

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The BEATLES weren't like any other band. EVERYBODY in the band sang, which is why you KNEW everybody in the band.

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I've ALWAYS SEEN My Chemical Romance as the band that would have represented who me and my FRIENDS were in high school, and the band that we didn't have to represent US - the KIDS that wore black - back then.

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We're not the CORPORATION of Foster the PEOPLE. We're a BAND.

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I was at the FIRST Minor Threat show, and you could TELL, 'This BAND is going to be the king of the town.' It was OBVIOUS. They were so good.

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My FIRST contract was in 1965. There were SIX of US in this band - my band before Deep PURPLE - six in the band plus management, and the entire royalty RATE was three-fourths of 1 percent.

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I just BECAME accustomed to being all the members of the band. That was SOMETHING that was really EXCITING to me.

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The BAND we have now on STAGE is the band I ALWAYS WANTED to be in.

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They've gone to great LENGTH to disguise the FACT that I'm not in the band, EVEN sending out a PHOTO to promoters with my picture in it which then winds up in some of the ads on the flyers.

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Doug Aldrich and I GREW up in Philadelphia TOGETHER, and Doug used to come and see a COVER BAND that I was in. He was, like, 15 or 16, and I was, like, 18, 19.

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We PRIDE ourselves on being a touring BAND. We WORK very HARD to GIVE a great and unique performance.

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I NEVER THOUGHT of Green Day as a punk BAND. Just bubblegum, really.

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BIG band MUSIC, to me, it really has three key elements. First is the LYRICS are really sweet, and they're just really family-friendly. The second THING is the music is jazz music, so the music is complicated enough to hold your attention for 5 or 6 MILLION plays. That makes the songs interesting. The last part is the fact that it's danceable.

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It's a BIG DEAL when you play in a ROCK band and you conquer Japan. You KNOW, it's a big deal.

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Our fans MAKE the band. What they give we give RIGHT back. They're an integral part of US. They ARE us.

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