English CULTURE is BASICALLY homosexual in the sense that the MEN only really care about other men.

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What is basically just an IQ score has ROOTS in education, socioeconomic status, genetics, and environmental factors. LOOKING at any one of these roots doesn't GIVE you a full picture of the tree, but it does TELL you that a tree is there.

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I'm 58 years old and I just went through 8 BACK surgeries. They started CUTTING on me in February 2009, and I was basically BED ridden for almost two years. I got a real dose of REALITY that if you don't have your health, you don't have anything.

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A fridge is BASICALLY just a big, cold box with a few shelves in it, RIGHT? Well, that's TRUE, but where you STORE food in the fridge can have quite an impact on its shelf life.

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I WANT to be a director, producer, and a writer. And an actor. So, LIKE, all the things in acting, BASICALLY.

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TRUTH of the matter is, jazz is American MUSIC. And that doesn't MEAN bebop. Jazz is really about improvising. All the music that's been created in America has been pretty much improvised... Whether it's hillbilly or rock n' roll for blues, it's basically jazz music... It's basically about another way of HEARING what comes out of America.

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When I write a screenplay - and I think it's one of the reasons why it was FRUSTRATING for me just to be a screenwriter - I'm not thinking of it in terms of words on a PAGE; I'm thinking in terms of VISUAL images - basically, a comic BOOK. I'm thinking of it in a series of SHOTS.

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Is human nature BASICALLY good or evil? No ECONOMIST can embark upon his profession without considering this QUESTION, and yet they all seem to. And they all seem to think human nature is basically good, or they wouldn't be surprised by the effects of deregulation.

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If I BECAME a philosopher, if I have so keenly sought this fame for which I'm STILL WAITING, it's all been to seduce women basically.

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My sisters and brothers come up a FAIR bit for dinner at home. It's basically a normal life; a normal family home. DAD cooks and we also TAKE turns. If it's my TURN, I like to do a roast lamb or spaghetti bolognaise.

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The BEATLES and The Stones were BASICALLY inspired by AMERICAN RHYTHM and BLUES.

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Moving to L.A., I got really into hip-hop and trap music and basically a lot of the sounds you would MAYBE NORMALLY see in a festival, but for whatever reason, I was so INVOLVED in vinyl and house at the time, I didn't even know that I LIKED trap.

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I'm BASICALLY a very HAPPY PERSON and I don't have to be ANYBODY ELSE.

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It became apparent to me near the END of the album cycle for 'House Of Gold & Bones' that it had BASICALLY run its COURSE. But the band kept pushing for more dates, and I was just, like, 'It's time to stop!'

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I went to a vocational high SCHOOL, which is where they basically TRAIN you to go out and dig ditches. You gotta LEARN a trade. Well, why do you gotta learn a trade? Because you're not smart ENOUGH to go to COLLEGE. That was the underlying gist of it.

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