I've ALWAYS been of the mindset that relationships can be DIFFERENT and relationships can GO bad with different PEOPLE. That doesn't mean they're going to be a bad relationship with me.
Every HOME, office, CLUB, yacht, landscape, or PIECE of furniture I may design will be different from the other. What will be CONSISTENT, however, is my own personal SENSE of style through it all.
YouTube LIVE @ E3 is going to be different than the KIND of show I would make for TV. In fact, one of the main draws is the opportunity to work SIDE by side with many of the TOP creators on YouTube.
I SAY 'date potential.' The REASON why is no matter who you date, ANYWAY, five years from now, you're going to be different, and he's going to be different. The key is to really find somebody that you can GROW with that you can CHANGE with, evolve with and that you can be partners with.
Hublot has always been happy to be DIFFERENT, unique and they WANT to be the first to do THINGS - and they CERTAINLY have done that when it comes to cricket.
Trump is like an eater of worlds from an 'Avengers' movie, but there seem to be different rules for him. What are Twitter doing, for EXAMPLE? He's CONSTANTLYBREAKING their rules, the SORT of stuff other people get thrown off for.
I think the PEOPLE who just stay in line FALL into a segment of average drivers and I don't WANT to be average. I want to be different; I want to be unique for my DRIVINGSTYLE and my abilities.
The whole Obama PHENOMENON brings up MEMORIES from my distant past: the GOOD-looking GUY who talks real good, whose line you don't BUY immediately but whose charm is so dazzling that he gradually convinces you that this time it will be different.
But I'm not adverse to the idea of Torch Song as a musical. It would just be different. Because the PLAY will ALWAYS be there exactly as it was, and in a musical you COULD tell a LOT of the STORY through songs.