I THINK I have music in me! I had a scholarship to STUDY singing at one POINT, and I've NEVER really DONE anything about it. I've done some music on stage, but it's been a long time. It would be kind of fun.

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I remember being in ATLANTIC CITY once when I was 18 or 19, and a SEA of people were screaming and pulling their HAIR because I was there. It was weird. Nobody deserves adulation LIKE that. I tried to explain it to my kids once. I said, 'Mommy used to be kind of cool, kind of like a Britney Spears.'

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My hope for my DAUGHTER is that she has the courage to at LEAST try to do it all, to be kind to herself when it all doesn't come TOGETHER PERFECTLY, and to follow her DREAMS.

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I THINK the best ACTING is when you ALLOW yourself to be KIND of vulnerable in the MOMENT.

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The historic LESSON is that it was a strategic FAILURE to go into Iraq. HISTORY will not be and should not be KIND with that decision.

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We've GOT to be KIND.

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I just FEEL LIKE kids LEARN by example, and if you want to TEACH your kid to be KIND, you can't be mean at them.

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Some might THINK that GEORGE W. Bush had his shortcomings, but let me tell you something - HISTORY's GOING to be KIND to George W. Bush.

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That's a REALLY IMPORTANT LEGACY for me: to WORK hard and be kind to other HUMAN beings.

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Look, every guy is NERVOUS when they TALK to girls, but I find that LITTLE BIT of nervousness to be kind of fun.

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I can be KIND of razor SHARP in my disapproval.

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I've been working on some original songs with the BAND that does the LED Zeppelin experience. We're going to start writing as an original band and SEE what comes out of it. It'll be kind of Zeppelin-esque because of the WAY the guys PLAY - but there's nothing wrong with that.

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I'm not one of these directors, so far, that WANTS to have a WHOLE separate DIRECTOR's cut of these things. So far they've turned out to be KIND of the LENGTH that they wanted to be.

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My wife, WHENEVER I'd go off to work and I'd be KIND of anxious, she'll say, 'Remember, have fun.' OH, I forgot, thanks for the reminder. Because sometimes we do forget. We take it all too seriously and there's a lot of JOY to be had wherever you are.

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