A TOUGH guy, to me, stands for SOMETHING, and he's not afraid to GET a beating.

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I was a KID who got picked on in school, and now the GUYS beating up those KIDS were wearing red caps and using my music to fuel that AGGRESSION. But if they LISTEN to the lyrics, the aggression is targeted at them.

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When a POLITICIAN bends the TRUTH or a CEO breaks a PROMISE, trust takes a beating.

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I drank for about 25 YEARS getting over the loss of my father and I TOOK the anger out on myself. I did a good job at beating myself up at sometimes. I don't drink ANYMORE but my alcoholic head occasionally says different. 'Nil By Mouth' was a love letter to my father because I needed to resolve some issues in ORDER to be able to forgive him.

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I could beat Yoel Romero, who is probably more dangerous than SOMEONE like Anderson Silva, but I WOULD GET more CREDIT for beating Silva.

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I think the AFL was capable of beating the NFL in a SUPER Bowl game as FAR BACK as 1960 or '61. I just regret we didn't get the CHANCE to prove it.

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My favorite memory is, as a freshman, GOING to Carolina and beating them. Going over there and WINNING on their COURT. I think that was the only TIME I did WIN on their court.

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We COULD make the most beautiful film in the world, but if it doesn't have a HEART beating UNDERNEATH it, then no one's going to be interested.

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Of all the MUSIC that REACHED farthest into HEAVEN, it is the beating of a LOVING HEART.

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My father was an army CHAMPION boxer... in the British army. And so he LOVED boxing and talked it up as a sport. But then when my BROTHER and I were beating the CRAP out of each other, he was always trying to tone it down. But I am a fan of boxing.

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Duke is an ugly WORD in KENTUCKY. NOTHING in the world COMPARES to the JOY of beating those hateful swine from Duke.

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I don't feel that the conductor has REAL power. The ORCHESTRA has the power, and EVERY MEMBER of it knows instantaneously if you're just beating TIME.

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I probably DESERVE a BIT of a kicking. And having been to boarding school, I've learnt to ENJOY a GOOD beating.

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I always SAID that I am all WRONG for Froch. I have HUGE RESPECT for him, but when we fight I am very confident in beating him.

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