We are all sculptors and PAINTERS, and our MATERIAL is our own flesh and blood and BONES. Any nobleness BEGINS at once to refine a MAN's features, any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them.
The most DIFFICULT part of any crime novel is the plotting. It all begins SIMPLYENOUGH, but soon you're dealing with a MULTITUDE of linked characters, strands, themes and red herrings - and you NEED to try to control these unruly elements and weave them into a pattern.
Christopher Nolan's 'Batman Begins' SET the bar very high for the superhero movie, as it showed that you could get a great CAST for these movies and take a real FILMMAKER's perspective.
The biblical method of change begins in the heart of MAN with the Gospel. It transforms the MIND of man and GRADUALLYWORKS its WAY out. And it builds a nation from the bottom up.
A true entrepreneurial enterprise BEGINS with a big idea - a unique way to solve a customer's problem. Your customer, after all, is the only justification for creating a company in the first place. Without a big, transformational idea, you can't PRODUCE a great result for your customer.
I've always been blessed, or cursed, some might SAY, with an insatiable curiosity, a DESIRE to FINDSOMETHING out about a people and a PLACE. That's where it all begins.