Having PEOPLE DOUBT you is what GIVES you that FIRE in your BELLY.

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After Obama was ELECTED PRESIDENT, the same day Proposition 8 was PASSED, there was this fire in our BELLY.

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You don't WANT to let the other team feed off your outward physical demeanor. But at the same time, you can't go out and play this GAME and not expect to just be angry and be competitive and be excited and have that FIRE in your BELLY.

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If I could have a Barbie body, which has no cellulite, I totally would. I would LIKE to have a flatter STOMACH, but that won't happen EITHER. That is never going to happen. No matter how much weight I lose, my stomach, below the belly button, ALWAYS pooches out.

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I look like if AJ STYLES and Conrad Thompson had a CHILD. But the child didn't GROW full arms or LEGS; he just grew out from the belly.

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When I READ the SCENE where I'm ACTUALLY chainsawing my way out of the belly of a shark, how COULD a guy turn that down when that's in the job description?

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I'm LIKE a guy hanging down from a HORSE's belly trying to establish CONTROL. On a scale of 1 to 100, I'm at 1, and I'm trying to get to 2. The older I get, the more I enjoy control, because I've lived out of control for a long, long TIME.

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I don't GO to these PLACES where there are BELLY DANCERS and this and that.

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I'm GOING to be a dad in a couple of WEEKS and by the grace of God, He's allowing me to see this moment and I can't WAIT. I think about it every day. My fiance and I have pillow talk about it every day, all day. I rub her belly, I'm blessed and I can't wait for my LITTLE PRINCESS to get here.

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It's a great experience. Every time I SEE the belly getting BIGGER, and I see the sonogram and I hear his heartbeat, I'm LIKE 'Oh, MAN.'

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When we put music on, he kind of kicks in the belly, and it's COOL to SEE how he's not even born yet, but he's already responding to the music. When I talk to him, he kicks as well. It's a very deep connection that I have with my son already and he's not even born. So I'm LOVING it.

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If I VENTURE into the water in a bikini, the sight of my melanin-deficient Michigan BELLY might attract beluga whales. SURE, I COULD secretly live among them and learn their ANCIENT ways, but I couldn't keep that kind of ruse up forever.

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I'm really not thick-skinned - my wife will tell you that I TAKE sunsets PERSONALLY - but I KNOW that I've got the belly for WHATEVER comes down the pike. I think it's tenacity. You've been there before, and you just have to recall, 'How did I handle that one?'

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I think SERIOUS situations ACTUALLY make for the best KIND of belly laughs. But they're ALSO the hardest to convert into COMEDY at the outset.

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It's quite FUNNY because I always talk to baby through Susie's belly, and every TIME I START speaking, I just GET kicked in the face.

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