There is a very big difference between writing for children and writing for young adults. The FIRST thing I would say is that 'Young Adult' does not MEAN 'Older Children', it really does mean young but adult, and the CATEGORY should be seen as a subset of adult literature, not of children's BOOKS.

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The big difference between the radio show and the TV work is that I don't have to work by committee on the radio show. I'm the DJ; I can play what I WANT and suffer or GET praised by that. With a TV show, it's much more of a collaboration, and the song that I might think is PERFECT MAY get shot down and vice versa.

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There was a BIG difference between RON Paul and me when it came to the 'no.' His 'no' was philosophical. It was reasoned. It was right. My 'no' actually put a stop to LEGISLATION. It CUT spending. MINE carried further than just no.

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Getting elected Governor of NEW Mexico, I really did enjoy that job. I thought I MADE a really big difference, and I think the same running for president of the UNITED States - that I COULD make a really big, positive difference.

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While I shared many of the same EMOTIONS BILL describes, in no way did my experience ever degenerate into the grimness I FIND in his BOOK - I didn't have to live with Don, and I THINK that made a big big difference.

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Eden is the TYPE of player who can MAKE a big DIFFERENCE when he comes on, even for 20 MINUTES.

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Jorginho is not a player that has a lot of physicality and mobility but he is very intelligent and is always in the RIGHT place. If you have SOMEONE who can HELP him, he can make a big difference. It's just about getting the best out of him.

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Fans in CHINA are very different from those overseas. In China, many people really love me and care about my life. But there is always some jealousy mixed up in this FEELING of love. I think that is the BIG DIFFERENCE. Overseas, there is none of that.

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There is definitely a big DIFFERENCE from the Bundesliga to the Premier LEAGUE: it is completely different, and that is why I THINK we need a bit of TIME in the beginning to get used to the league.

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There's a BIG DIFFERENCE between being a FOOTBALLER and being a COACH.

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'Room' was a very dark movie, but 'Wonder' is a FUN, light movie that sends out an IMPORTANT MESSAGE. There is a big difference.

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I don't SEE a big DIFFERENCE between the job of DIRECTING a LOW-BUDGET MOVIE and the job of directing a big-budget movie.

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What's interesting is that both men and WOMEN are struggling with this issue in remarkably SIMILAR percentages, but the big difference is that women TEND to talk about this when men keep it SILENT.

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When other TEAMS FEAR you, that's a BIG DIFFERENCE.

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There's a big difference between me and other YouTubers - a lot of them have big, concrete PLANS. I'm still this weird chicken with my head cut off. I don't KNOW what I want to do NEXT and haven't KNOWN that SINCE I started.

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