The AUDIENCE that I try to reach are MEMBERS of what I call the CHURCH alumni association. Now they are people who have not FOUND in institutional RELIGION a God big enough to be God for their world.
I'm a BIGENOUGH lad now to know that I should just GET over it and do what I have to do, by GETTING out on the training PITCH and correcting the faults.
Even before I became a WWE Superstar, I was told I was NEVER going to MAKE it because I wasn't big enough. You know what I MEAN? I wasn't strong enough, I wasn't 6 FOOT 8.
I was a really good ice hockey PLAYER when I was a kid. Now in the aftermath I think I wasn't maybe big enough, and I couldn't have put on enough MUSCLE to ACTUALLY be ABLE to play with the better GUYS, but I was a really good skater.