I've never crossed over to be a big star. I'd like to be in a big $100 million MOVIE, though. 'Cause I was in an 'Austin Powers,' I think I had two LINES, and every once in a while, I get a check, a REALLY nice check, for that movie.

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I don't want to GET any bigger - what does a 'big STAR' MEAN? I just want to be loved.

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I have three daughters who grew up while I was working on the special editions and the prequels. They GOT to be big 'Star WARS' fans. And, you know, I would see them identifying with a lot of the male characters, and I just THOUGHT, 'Star Wars' COULD use more good STRONG female leads.'

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I don't THINK I am a very BIG STAR on TV.

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I used to think I was a BIG star. And I used to think that the TV industry, Balaji, and my SHOW will not survive without me. But then I realised that you cannot be BIGGER than your WORK.

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I think when you MAKE something that is non-mainstream and people don't have automatic WAY of consuming, like you don't have a big STAR, or a hit song or marketing money then you need to find some way to make audience aware of your film.

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Many TIMES, one does GET interesting work, but it is ALSO work that doesn't get funded because one sure-shot way to get funding is to TAKE a BIG star.

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STARS are a part of our emotional psyche, but audiences should ALSO support a GOOD INDIE FILM which may not have a big star.
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No one KNOWS what they're doing. I remember going into an interview with a big STAR and I was NERVOUS. Then I realised they were more nervous. I realised I was the one with the POWER because I was the one asking the questions.

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I didn't WANT to be a big STAR. I wanted to be a REALLY good actor.

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I'm not WORRIED about being a BIG STAR.

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PEOPLE keep saying EC3 is the heart and soul of TNA: that he's this homegrown star, and he is GOING to be this BIG star. But fans don't understand that I'm the true star - I CAME off Vince McMahon's TV.
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Why can't I EVER play a NICE, NORMAL, salt-of-the-earth TYPE? Is there something I should know? It's fun to play villains and CHARACTER roles, of course - but I'm sure it's also fun to be a really big star and play the lead in everything, where all you have to do is show up and not blink.

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Many YEARS ago, I had the pleasure of EDITING a book by JOAN Crawford, who, like Norma Desmond, was STILL a big star; it was just the movies that had gotten smaller.

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