There are 4 billion cell phones in use today. MANY of them are in the hands of market vendors, rickshaw drivers, and others who've historically lacked access to education and OPPORTUNITY. INFORMATION networks have become a great leveler, and we should use them together to help lift people out of poverty and give them a freedom from WANT.
Read MoreI would only once have the OPPORTUNITY to let my scientific CAREER encompass a path from the double helix to the three billion steps of the HUMAN genome.
Read MoreThe body itself is an information processor. Memory resides not just in brains but in every cell. No wonder genetics bloomed ALONG with information theory. DNA is the quintessential information molecule, the most ADVANCED MESSAGE processor at the cellular level - an ALPHABET and a code, 6 billion bits to form a human being.
Read MoreThe VALUE of STREAMING platforms is estimated at a few billion dollars, and creators can only afford a pizza without pepperoni at the end of the year with the revenues. Without musicians, all those platforms wouldn't exist, so we urgently need an appropriate and SUSTAINABLE business MODEL for musicians for the 21st century.
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