What can everyone do? PRAISE and blame. This is human VIRTUE, this is human MADNESS.

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I feel LUCKY and blessed that I got away with the things that I did do. But there's got to be an easier way to do that. I guess PEOPLE have to go through whatever their time requires them to go through and if they can see it as INSPIRATION, you KNOW, fine. But I'm not taking no BLAME for it.

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In FOOTBALL, you win as a group, you LOSE as a group; you divide the CREDIT and the BLAME.

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Conservatives believe that a self-governing SOCIETY depends on INDIVIDUALS taking responsibility for their actions, and those of their FAMILY and community. They deride others, especially American LIBERALS, who fall short of this STANDARD, who blame anything other than themselves for personal transgressions or failures.

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One of the ways that people avoid taking RESPONSIBILITY for their ROLE in their own PAIN is what I CALL the BPs - blame and projection.

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I don't BLAME or COMPLAIN about things LIKE the economy, the government, taxes, employees, gas prices, or any of the external things that I don't have control over. The only THING I have control over is my response to these things.

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The BBC always WANTS to blame THINGS on Brexit. I'm not saying this is a conspiracy: I'm saying it is a fact of life.

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If SOMEONE's liver doesn't work, we blame it on the genes; if someone's brain doesn't work PROPERLY, we blame the school. It's ACTUALLY more humane to THINK of the condition as genetic. For instance, you don't want to say that someone is born unpleasant, but SOMETIMES that might be true.

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I don't blame homosexuals for being angry when PEOPLE say they've made a choice to be GAY, because they don't.

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Reinforcement LEARNING is the IDEA of being ABLE to assign credit or blame to all the actions you took along the WAY while you were GETTING that reward signal.

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I do not BELIEVE we can blame genetics for adultery, HOMOSEXUALITY, dishonesty and other CHARACTER flaws.

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In regards to steroids, I think we're all to BLAME, all of BASEBALL. I NEVER realized how far-reaching this problem has been.

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Don't blame the marketing department. The BUCK STOPS with the CHIEF EXECUTIVE.

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