May those who enjoy the faithful MINISTRY of the WORD feel exceedingly THANKFUL for it. There are few blessings on Earth greater for a believer; and yet the Lord is frequently obliged to teach us the value of this BLESSING by depriving us of it for a season.

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One of the blessings that comes from PAYING a FULL tithing is developing FAITH to live an even higher law. To live in the celestial KINGDOM, we must live the law of consecration. There we must be able to FEEL that all we are and all we have belong to God.

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One of INDIA's major blessings is the RICH STORE of experience and knowledge available in the rural and TRIBAL areas.

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Most PEOPLE haven't figured out when you are of SERVICE to other people OUTSIDE of just yourself, the doorway for OPPORTUNITY and blessings come in a very very DIFFERENT way.

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I have the LOVE and BLESSINGS of INDIANS and my family and I have faith in my own hard work and TRAINING. That is all I NEED.

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A wise man should CONSIDER that health is the GREATEST of human BLESSINGS, and learn how by his own THOUGHT to derive benefit from his illnesses.

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I FEEL like unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment, it blocks the flows of GOD's BLESSINGS in LIFE.

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During my younger DAYS, I used to massage my MOTHER's feet EVERY day and receive her blessings.

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I believe in my MOTHER's BLESSINGS. And as far as Sai Baba is concerned, I believe there is only one GOD.

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To be called a Cy YOUNG award winner is something I could have never IMAGINED EVER happening to me. I'm just always amazed at the blessings that came my way over the YEARS.

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There seems to be a GREAT propensity in this business to write tear-jerkers, 'You-left-me' songs. I thought, 'Why don't I COUNT my blessings by looking at what I have?' I'm PRETTY much an optimistic GUY.

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PEOPLE is, I think, it's their NATURE - some people's nature, in a way, to be angry or jealous or just SPITEFUL about somebody ELSE's BLESSINGS.

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On balance, my life has been a constant stream of BLESSINGS rather than DISAPPOINTMENTS and failures and tragedies. I wish I had been re-elected. I THINK I could have kept our country at peace. I think I could have consolidated what we achieved at Camp DAVID with a treaty between Israel and the Palestinians.

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If you're given GIFTS or blessings in your LIFE, it's up to you to help the GUY coming up BEHIND you.

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