I GREW up in the '70s and in Los Angeles during the new blockbuster era. 'Star Wars' was the first film that I SAW in the movie THEATER. I wanted to be an ACTOR; then it turned out to be this 'Wizard of Oz' story: I was 10 or 11 YEARS old, and it turned into something that I didn't think it was.

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LOOK, I'm not a blockbuster STAR.

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Having to MAKE a blockbuster EVERY TIME puts unhealthy pressure on creatives. The pressure on the filmmakers is so intense, I think it stifles the CREATIVITY.

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As an ASIAN guy, I would LOVE to see a BIG blockbuster with Asian LEAD characters.

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I don't make any distinction between a POPULAR TV series or blockbuster FILM and doing Shakespeare. They're DIFFERENT, but as LONG as the MATERIAL is good and the intention is honourable, it's all the same to me.

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The history of the INTERNET is, in part, a series of opportunities missed: the major record labels let APPLE take over the digital-music business; Blockbuster refused to buy NETFLIX for a mere fifty million dollars; Excite turned down the chance to acquire Google for less than a million dollars.

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I LIKE TECHNOLOGY, but the blockbuster GAMES USE it for the same THING over and over again.

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When I was a LITTLE GIRL, whenever I WOULD get sick, my MOM would go and get stacks and stacks of VHS tapes from Blockbuster.

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Unfortunately, CONSIDERING that we Latinos are really BIG for MOVIE companies when they have blockbuster releases or new cable shows, when it comes to the DYNAMIC of supporting our own PRODUCT, it leaves much to be desired.

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When I STARTED half.com, our THREE biggest competitors were Borders, TOWER RECORDS and Blockbuster VIDEO.

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GAMES are getting more interesting. I mean, when we talk about books, they can be anything from a SUMMER blockbuster to 'War and Peace' - well, games are the same. I think the CREATIVE SIDE is CATCHING up with the technology.

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It's FUNNY to be in rooms where you were originally referred to as 'The Shakespeare Guy' and to suddenly be in the POSITION where you're 'The Blockbuster Guy.' That's a pretty UNUSUAL turnabout, I must SAY.

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Even though 'Spider-Man' is a huge blockbuster, it really didn't FEEL like that. It felt like we were making this weird, funny HIGH SCHOOL movie. Like just hanging out with a group of friends.

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WHETHER you're in a blockbuster or an ART FILM, you have to be ABLE to ADAPT.

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My manager called me and said, 'Hey, there's a series at Neflix.' I'm like, 'Netflix? OH, BOY.' At that time, it was just a STRANGE THING to HEAR. It's like going, 'There's a series at Blockbuster.'

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