You cannot MAKE a social-conscious picture in which you SAY that the intermediary between the HAND and the BRAIN is the heart. I mean, that's a fairy tale - definitely.
I have always been convinced that the only way to get artificial INTELLIGENCE to work is to do the computation in a way similar to the human brain. That is the goal I have been pursuing. We are MAKINGPROGRESS, THOUGH we still have lots to LEARN about how the brain actually works.
When I was detoxing from SOCIALMEDIA, I realized that I was thinking in status updates. It seemed I had trained my BRAIN to translate everything I experienced throughout the DAY into 140 CHARACTERS or less.
You don't meditate once and SUDDENLY your LIFETURNS around. What it does is it lets you TRAIN your brain to be ABLE to become more stable in an action-oriented way.
When the brain is silent, the executive FUNCTION, which is this part of the brain that makes decisions, can WORK much BETTER. So when you GET quiet, you make better decisions. You're ALSO more rested - you're not as reactive.
I've had lots of SUPERNATURAL experiences, but I always just blame them on my brain playing tricks. About FIVE years ago, I WOKE up to a LITTLE girl lying next to me in my bed and when I reacted to her, she mirrored what I did.
In the early 16th century the Italian physician Jacopo Berengario DA Carpi, a pioneer in the SCIENCE of anatomy, came up with the idea that PERHAPS 'brain commotion' was caused by the thrust of the soft structure of the brain against the solid case of the SKULL.