I just THINK to be a manager you've GOT to live and breathe and have this incredible ENTHUSIASM for FOOTBALL, the whole THING. And while I love the game, and it's been a large part of my life, it's not the only thing in my life.

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I LIKE FANTASY, but I don't LIVE and BREATHE fantasy.

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Your circulation will improve if you BREATHE right. And doing your best to TRY to RELAX when you're stressed out will improve your overall HEALTH.

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Hillary CLINTON, who FOLLOWED her heart to Arkansas, UNDERSTANDS that the American DREAM extends beyond the Mason-Dixon line and that South Carolina's motto, 'While I breathe, I HOPE,' applies to all.

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I was born to PLAY basketball. There's no question about it. That's it. And I'm saying this in my humblest opinion, I do FEEL that I was born to play this GAME. I BREATHE it, I live it.

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I had cartilage sticking out my NOSE. I couldn't BREATHE out of my LEFT nostril.

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SOMETIMES I feel surrounded by this DARK CLOUD, and it feels LIKE I can't breathe. It's nervousness and I don't KNOW what else.
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When you don't feel healthy, stop the excuses and do something. Just GO outside, walk, BREATHE. LIFE's too short to fall into a rut. You are in CHARGE of you - treat yourself well, and it'll show.

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I love INDEPENDENT films, it's the only PLACE as an ACTOR you're totally allowed to breathe.

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When you're telling taut, tight STORYTELLING that has any KIND of built-in plot twist elements, you tend to WANT to stack everything up on top of itself as opposed to letting THINGS breathe and be languid in terms of the PASSAGE of time.

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SPRING won't let me stay in this house any longer! I must GET out and BREATHE the air DEEPLY again.
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I wonder if anyone else has an EAR so TUNED and sharpened as I have, to detect the music, not of the spheres, but of earth, subtleties of MAJOR and minor chord that the wind strikes upon the TREE branches. Have you ever heard the earth breathe?

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I used to go trick-or-treating all the time. When I was young we had the PLASTIC MASK with the rubber band that would cut your face, and you couldn't BREATHE and it was really SWEATY! I had the Incredible Hulk and Spider-Man. I used to love the Incredible Hulk, and then one year I had the great idea to be Mr. T, and that was an awesome costume too.

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