We MUST bring unity of spirit and PURPOSE and condemn hatred and DIVISION wherever we see it.

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BEAUTIFUL sights arouse feelings of love, and contrary sights bring feelings of disgrace and hate. And the EMOTIONS of the soul and SPIRIT bring something additional to the body itself, which exists under the CONTROL of the soul and the DIRECTION of the spirit.
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You BRING a little BIT of yourself into every CHARACTER you PLAY. We're multifaceted creatures.

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TIME will bring to LIGHT whatever is HIDDEN; it will cover up and CONCEAL what is now shining in SPLENDOR.
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What I'm TRYING to do in all SENSES is deconstruct our idea of gender and use the privileges that come with looking like a MODEL to BRING ATTENTION to that.

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We have a moral OBLIGATION to raise awareness and educate those around US so we can CREATE a WORLD where human trafficking is a thing of the past, and bring these human rights violations to an immediate end.

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For most people, an hour a day PLAYING our FAVORITE games will POWER up our ABILITY to engage whole-heartedly with DIFFICULT challenges, strengthen our relationships with the people we care about most - while still letting us notice when it's time to stop playing in virtual worlds and bring our gamer strengths back to real life.

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Wherever I GO, I bring the culture with me, so that they can understand that it's attainable. I didn't do it any other WAY than through HIP-HOP.

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The romantic LOVE we FEEL toward the opposite sex is probably one extra help from God to BRING you TOGETHER, but that's it. All the REST of it, the true love, is the test.

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If we're going to bring out the BEST in PEOPLE, we, too, need to sow SEEDS of ENCOURAGEMENT.

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If you put a frog in boiling water, it'll jump straight out. If you put it in COLD water and gradually BRING it to the boil, it'll sit right there until it dies. SCOTLAND has been sitting in ENGLAND's gradually boiling water for so long that many PEOPLE are used to it.

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PART of what I do and what I want to do is I want to bring art into the everyday LIFE. If you can take ordinary just WALKING in the STREET and you're confronted by something, that MIGHT change your day - it might inspire you.
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There are some CITIES that you GO to that BRING SOMETHING out of you. Toronto is one of them.

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As a SINGER, you have to BRING the SOUL to the SONG.

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I GET a friend to TRAVEL with me... I NEED SOMEBODY to bring me back to who I am. It's hard to be ALONE.

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