The RUGBY team is a massive part of the city and generates a REAL PASSION but there is ALSO far more to Toulouse. I learned not only to respect the history of the club but also the area and I SOON came to appreciate 'buildings and structures.

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None of us WANT to LIVE in a society where PEOPLE are forced to sleep in shop doorways, on park benches or in DANGEROUS, run-down buildings.

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From Brighton to Bradford, from Suffolk to Somerset, I have explored some remarkable buildings and structures that, in different WAYS, have helped to SHED light on the WAY modern Britain has DEVELOPED.

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I'm GOING to miss the wind tunnel between Buildings 3 and 4. The WAYS in which the parking situation forced me to get 'creative.' Bob Ley and his snide comments. Trey Wingo and his snarky comments. Meeting so many PEOPLE who I respect the hell out of. And the bizarre if not DYSFUNCTIONAL 'SportsNation' family.

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I'm in LOVE with corrugated IRON BUILDINGS, especially chapels and CHURCHES.

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Regency buildings are often said to LACK the SERENITY of their EARLY GEORGIAN predecessors, or the INTENSE scholarship of the subsequent Gothic revival.

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I CAME to London CONSTANTLY, working with Ninja Theory on 'DmC Devil May Cry,' and I kind of fell in love with this amazing architecture, where you have these BUILDINGS that have CLEARLY been around a long time, and they have this amazing gothic look, and then on the FIRST floor, it's a McDonald's!

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LONDON imbued me with an APPRECIATION of the BEAUTY and value of history in general. As it has EVOLVED and grown, the city has created iconic modern BUILDINGS that look perfect as they sit alongside ancient ones.
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There are PLENTY of RUINED BUILDINGS in the WORLD but no ruined STONES.

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Apart from differentiating our spaces with design, we ALSO LOOK for buildings that have distinctive character. We make SURE every SEAT is a GOOD one.

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In New YORK, you have THOUSANDS of buildings that have NEVER been renovated, that have horrible designs, that are really cramped and TERRIBLE.

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AMONG the things I LOVE about LONDON is that there is a LOT of GREEN space and that the buildings are not very tall.
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My BUILDINGS will be my LEGACY... they will SPEAK for me LONG after I'm GONE.

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Bath was dusty and a little shabby when we moved here. It did LOOK its age and you felt its history in its streets and buildings and little alleyways. The SENSE of the PAST was palpable. There were some BAD modern buildings but there was a patina of age.

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