During the era when women were burning their bras - which, by the way, they never actually did - but when women were FIRST becoming liberated, I was 23. And I MET a woman who asked, 'Don't you feel bad because you're SORT of acting like the stupid airhead blonde?' And I totally surprised myself. I said, 'Liberation can ALSO COME from the inside.'

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I predict that you students who are burning out from the pressure to FIX upon a career CHOICE as early as POSSIBLE and TAILOR your studies accordingly, will find relief for a few hours here and there in a great library.

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I don't have any PARTICULAR BURNING desire to go BACK to being cuddly. Not REALLY.

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I suppose after 'Four Weddings' I was very busy for a bit, and I imagined that was my career, but I never had that THING of, 'I'm BURNING to be an ACTOR. If I don't ACT, I'm not alive.' I've never had that.

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I have this BURNING desire to GET out there and do my best. It's as if I'm keeping it all in a little BOTTLE, and it's all GOING to come out when I do the best I'm capable of doing.

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The Occupy Wall STREET PROJECT feels like a burning ember that MIGHT light the torch of justice and inflame our longing for FREEDOM.

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On a per capita basis, Britain is responsible for more of the carbon dioxide now in the atmosphere than any other NATION on EARTH because it has been BURNING it from the DAWN of the Industrial Revolution.

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It's as CERTAIN that as LONG as fossil fuels are the cheapest ENERGY, we will just KEEP BURNING them.

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I do not see how a people that can find in its conscience any EXCUSE whatever for slowly burning to DEATH a human being, or for tolerating such an ACT, can be ENTRUSTED with the salvation of a RACE.

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It is only with burning anger that we can SPEAK of this attack by counter-revolutionary reactionary elements against the capital of our country, against our people's DEMOCRATIC ORDER and the power of the working CLASS.

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There are a LOT of people doing GOOD WORK, but we need to get the burning of fossil fuels off the highways and speedways of the world, so that we'll step up on global warming.

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SINCE 1850, burning of fossil fuels, COAL, oil and natural gas has increased 100 times to PRODUCE energy as the world has industrialized to serve the world's more than 6 billion and growing population.

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I'm not out BURNING bras, but I'm very opinionated about WOMEN owning their POWER.

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What you WANT is to rev up your METABOLISM so that you are BURNING FAT and CALORIES, not preserving fat and calories.

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We all have that burning question about what happens if we LOSE somebody we love, especially if we lose them tragically. We wonder what fear was going on, we wonder if we COULD have reached out and touched them, HELD their HAND, looked in their eyes, been there.

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