Our MESSAGE in NSW is government don't NEED to RUN businesses that are out of DATE when the private sector can do that better.

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My seven-year-OLD daughter knows old songs and how the neighborhoods got their NAMES. There are little things: Businesses receive blessings from Hawaiian PRIESTS before opening, and everyone's kids have their DEBUT luau. You can't really get through a day WITHOUT doing something Hawaiian.

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While a fundamental responsibility of BUSINESS leaders is to create value for shareholders, I THINK businesses also EXIST to deliver value to SOCIETY.

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The DEATH tax robs parents of the opportunity to pass SOMETHING along to their children, and it is RESPONSIBLE for destroying a lot of family-owned BUSINESSES.

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More and more MAJOR businesses and INDUSTRIES are being run on software and delivered as ONLINE SERVICES - from MOVIES to agriculture to national defense.

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Building businesses TAKES TREMENDOUS stamina, and SUCCESS isn't ACHIEVED without it.

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When the financial system works as it should, money and capital flow to and from households and BUSINESSES to PAY for home loans, SCHOOL loans, and investments to create JOBS.

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Start SMALL; get to KNOW the landscape. We take risks but not major risks. We always started with small CAPITAL - €4m in Holland, $10m in Russia - and as we get to know the landscape of a COUNTRY, we think about other businesses.

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The BIG businesses are LESS willing to take RISKS. I talked to some young PEOPLE in Hong Kong, and they SAID they are lost. Young people indeed have fewer opportunities than before. But is it true that there are no more opportunities for them? No!

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SMALL BUSINESSES are the HEART and soul of South Carolina's economy - from our bait STORES to our restaurants and barber shops.

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Unemployment relief from The CARES Act - a POPULAR and BIPARTISAN SOLUTION - was a key LIFELINE not just for our FAMILIES but also for small businesses.

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Cloud COMPUTING offers INDIVIDUALS access to DATA and applications from nearly any point of access to the Internet, offers BUSINESSES a whole new way to cut costs for technical INFRASTRUCTURE, and offers big computer companies a potentially giant market for hardware and services.

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In America, the problems of POVERTY and low income, particularly for minorities, are disproportionately focused in the inner CITIES. Shining a spotlight on the businesses GROWING in these COMMUNITIES is proof that any community has the potential for ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

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I hope the STORY of 2011 is that AMERICA GETS its MOJO back. You've got to remember that America has the best universities; it's got some of the best businesses. It's got an unbelievable work ethic, RULE of law. The story of 2011 will be America blossoming again.

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All my businesses are part of the CULTURE, so I have to stay TRUE to whatever I'm FEELING at the time, whatever DIRECTION I'm heading in.

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