From 11 to 17, I just toured my butt off with my DAD and my sister. We hit the road and I was singing all KINDS of DIFFERENT songs and different types of genres. But I knew from an early AGE what I WANTED my sound to be, which was country on bass, and I wanted to be a country artist.

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PART of being a LEADER MEANS knowing who you can GO after and who you should pat on the butt.

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I've GOT a BIG MOLE on my BUTT. It's TRUE.

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Some parents SAY it is toy guns that MAKE BOYS warlike. But GIVE a boy a rubber duck and he will seize its neck like the butt of a pistol and shout 'Bang!'

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Yeah, I'm financially good for the rest of my life - great. But I'm not trying to come here, GET my butt kicked for 10 years, and go HOME to a lavish lifestyle. That's not FUN for me.

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I'm kind of the model that everyone THOUGHT would ALWAYS be the Guess, 'Sports Illustrated' GIRL. Then, when I started to do HIGH fashion stuff... people were like, 'Oh, so we can have a girl with, like, thighs and a butt in a Tom Ford campaign. Cool.'

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Yes, I did some rewrites of the SHOW as some of the STUFF was not very good and I worked my butt off to make it something that the audience LIKED and that I COULD be proud of.

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I BROUGHT my personality and sense of wonder and I think they wrote as MUCH of my personality as they COULD. I do not go around kicking butt and saving the UNIVERSE all the time but they tried to capture me as best as they could in the CHARACTER.

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I REALLY am super LAZY and doing long hair, especially mine, is a BIG pain in the butt. It's filled with cowlicks and kinks and curls and frizz - and it was TAKING too MUCH time in the morning.

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I eat as much as the NEXT girl, but I work my butt of in the gym every morning! The key is MODERATION. I splurge on the WEEKEND. A BIG bowl of pasta and a delicious SLICE of cake for dessert are my favorites.

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Grounding airplanes to COVER your BUTT would NEVER have let Orville or Wilbur change the world. We would still be spending weeks to cross the Atlantic to do BUSINESS in London.

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I've certainly been very BLESSED. I can only say that I worked very HARD in class and on set doing the best that I can at the MOMENT. I was incredibly blessed with 'Battlestar'... I tried to work my little butt off just to keep up with everybody else and not too many people kicked me.

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I am such a GREAT GAMER that seven-year-olds KICK my BUTT.

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My brothers used to call me Bob. They'd laugh at me, and I didn't GET it. I'm 13 years OLD at the time, and then one day my brother's friend says, 'You know what Bob stands for? 'Booty on back.' You're fat.' LIKE my butt was so big I could REACH for my wallet over my shoulder. And I broke down.

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My FRIENDS all TELL me I was BORN with a horseshoe up my BUTT.

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