When I first RAN for GOVERNOR... I had to stand up for segregation or be DEFEATED, but I NEVER insulted black people by calling them inferior.

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PART of calling ourselves Live Nation was about STARTING to shift the way we THINK, to be first and foremost fan-focused.
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Every man who has at last succeeded, after LONG effort, in calling up the DIVINITY which LIES hidden in a woman's heart, is startled to FIND that he must obey the God he summoned.

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I MAY do some cringey and crazy THINGS, but for crying out LOUD, I have Nikki Bella CALLING me out.

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To me, the American DREAM is being able to FOLLOW your own personal CALLING. To be able to do what you want to do is INCREDIBLE freedom.

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When I got the call from Chippendales, my jaw dropped, as it came on the HEELS of TMZ calling me fat on national TV. I am PASSIONATE about health and fitness, so I've kept in shape, and dancing is something I've always ENJOYED, so I figured, why not?

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I'm MOVING into that eldership AGE, you know? I'm at the 'wise WOMAN' age where it's not about learning, but utilizing the information that I have in a WAY that serves other people. That's a high calling and it's a great RESPONSIBILITY.

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To tell you the truth, I used an INSTAGRAM filter called Ginza to share a snippet of the song - I simply left the NAME in the caption in case anyone WANTED to USE the same filter. But everyone started calling the song 'Ginza.'

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The calling of the humanities is to make US truly HUMAN in the best SENSE of the word.

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I was in NEW York. I had been doing theater for many YEARS, and then I got HIRED to a little PART - they weren't calling it an EXTRA, but I didn't have lines. It was a 'featured' part.

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That is what I want: I want a BETTER Saudi Arabia. I don't see myself as an opposition. I'm not calling for the overthrow of the regime, because I know it's not POSSIBLE and is too risky, and there is no one to overthrow the regime. I'm just calling for REFORM of the regime.

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I'm not an extremist. And I DISAGREE with Saudis who are CALLING for regime CHANGE and STUFF like that.

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The PRICE one PAYS for pursuing any PROFESSION, or calling, is an intimate KNOWLEDGE of its ugly side.

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Each HONEST CALLING, each walk of LIFE, has its own ELITE, its own ARISTOCRACY based on excellence of performance.

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