If you put a ten dollar bill under the rug instead of SPENDING it, that is capital formation. It REPRESENTS ten dollars' WORTH of something that might have been IMMEDIATELY consumed, but wasn't.

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When I FIRST started as an angel investor, I was excited to start INVESTING in startups - but I didn't know much. I couldn't tell the GOOD ones from the bad; I didn't understand all these venture capital terms, so I would invest SOMEWHAT blindly.

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The HIGHEST USE of CAPITAL is not to make more MONEY, but to make money do more for the betterment of LIFE.

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BUILDING cars is HIGHLY specialized, it's HARD, and it's CAPITAL INTENSIVE.
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In bourgeois SOCIETY CAPITAL is independent and has INDIVIDUALITY, while the LIVING person is dependent and has no individuality.

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That's CAPITAL L, small a - no space! - capital C, small H, a, N, z, e.

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No court presumes to tell a JURY that they are to TRY a capital CASE with the same indifference and unconcern as to consequences, that they would a case where the results of their decision would be less IMPORTANT.

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Theatre is relatively easy if you're British - you're living in the theatre CAPITAL of the world, London - there are so MANY PLACES you can work, STILL. If I had BEGUN to think of myself as a film actor, I think I would have got distracted.

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TAXES on CAPITAL, taxes on labor, INFLATION, bureaucratic regulation, minimum wage LAWS, are all - to different degrees - unnecessary slices of the wedge that stand between an individual's effort and reward for that effort.
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We have a HISTORY in South AFRICA of an entrenched WHITE MONOPOLY CAPITAL.

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The WEALTH of the country, its capital, its credit, MUST be saved from the predatory POOR as well as the predatory RICH, but above all from the predatory POLITICIAN.

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It's EXTREMELY important for our BANKS to have more CAPITAL, HIGHER QUALITY capital.

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STATE funds, private equity, venture capital, and institutional lending all have their role in the lifecycle of a high tech startup, but angel capital is crucial for first-time entrepreneurs. Angel INVESTORS provide more than just CASH; they bring YEARS of expertise as both founders of businesses and as seasoned investors.
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There exists, between PEOPLE in love, a kind of capital held by each. This is not just a STOCK of affects or pleasure, but also the POSSIBILITY of playing double or quits with the share you HOLD in the other's HEART.

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No one making less than $250,000 under Barack OBAMA's plan will see one SINGLE penny of their tax RAISED, WHETHER it's their capital gains tax, their income tax, INVESTMENT tax, any tax.

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