WILDLIFE film-makers I know tell me that the effort to PORTRAY what looks like an untouched ecosystem becomes harder every year. They have to choose their camera angles ever more CAREFULLY to exclude the evidence of destruction, TRAVEL further to FIND the Edens they depict.
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See how fortune deludes us, and that which we put carefully into her hands, she EITHER breaks or lets it fall from her hands, or causes it to be removed by the violence of ANOTHER, or suffocates and poisons, or taints with suspicion, fear and jealousy to the great HURT and ruin of the possessor.

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The construction of PERMANENT sea walls can be taken up only in PLACES where there is sea erosion due to HEAVY anthropogenic pressures. The locations for such non-living BARRIERS should be determined on the basis of a carefully conducted erosion-vulnerability analysis.

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With CINEMA it's a DIFFERENT BALLGAME, you really don't KNOW how the audience will react, so one has to tread CAREFULLY.

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One thing you have to be very careful on when you WORK in health care is this: when you make a sweeping change, you can't WAIT to see what falls through the cracks. What could fall through the cracks is SOMEBODY's LIFE. You NEED to move thoughtfully and carefully with a plan incrementally.

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Television BECAME defensible - and, frankly, worshipped - because the shows STARTED to be so carefully structured, so ATTENTIVE to language, and so visually interesting that they suddenly caught people's EYE.

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You know, when you LOOK carefully at stuff that you deal with EVERYDAY, applying a little creativity to it and THINKING OUTSIDE the box, it's AMAZING what you can do.

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I don't think Batman should SPEND a whole MOVIE yapping, you KNOW? He should choose his words carefully and SPEAK LOW.

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We have thought carefully about how our use of typography, COLOUR, and images can support and enhance 'Guardian' journalism. We have introduced a FONT called Guardian Headline that is SIMPLE, confident, and impactful.

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I don't for one SECOND spend any TIME THINKING about CAREFULLY ingratiating myself with SOMEONE for the future.

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When I moved from CAMBRIDGE, I donated all my fiction. I carefully cut out pages the authors had autographed for me. I didn't WANT those autographed BOOKS SHOWING up on eBay.

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RESEARCH shows that when we READ words on PAPER, it reduces our stress LEVELS by nearly 70 percent. We also read more carefully than on tablets or laptops.
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Mentorship is an incredibly huge RESPONSIBILITY. And you NEED to choose your mentors carefully, just LIKE mentors choose their apprentices carefully. There has to be TRUST there, on a very deep level.

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