A lot of people think I'm GOING to be like SOMEONE who's stepped out of one of his own cartoons. And MAYBE I am. But I SURE have a hard time analyzing it.

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EVERY week when my batch of weekly cartoons WOULD go to FedEx, it felt LIKE a SMALL miracle. Then in a few DAYS, it's 'Here we go again.'
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A good CARTOON is always good on TWO or three levels: surface physical comedy, some intellectual stuff - like Warner Brothers cartoons' pop-culture JOKES, gas-rationing jokes during the war - and then the overall CHARACTER appeal.

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NEWSPAPERS across the COUNTRY and the world have published CARTOONS that have gone beyond reasonable differences of OPINION and expanded into the realm of antisemitism.
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I was influenced by Ray Harryhausen and Lotte Reiniger, with her twitchy, cutout animation, which I happened to see at a very YOUNG age, but ALSO by the Warner Bros. CARTOONS, 'Tom and JERRY,' and of course DISNEY. And also by Fellini's 'Giulietta of the Spirits' and Kurosawa's 'Ran.' And by other American illustrators and painters.

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I USED to SPEND summers in the Czech Republic with my grandmother. I'd watch Czech CARTOONS.

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My dad traveled so much for work that, when he was home, we always wanted to SPEND as much time with him as we could, so going to practices and doing stuff LIKE that with him took precedence over Saturday MORNING cartoons. We'd go to PRACTICE with my dad just so we could be a PART of it.

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I GREW up on COMICS and CARTOONS. So, as an ADULT, I LIKE comics and cartoons.

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I WATCH cartoons a LOT. I'm a BIG 'Rick and Morty' and 'South Park' FAN.

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Fester never TALKED in the 'Addams FAMILY' cartoons. So I RAISED my VOICE an octave and I gave him a beetling look.

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If the creators of CARTOONS are intentionally or unintentionally giving children the idea that GAY people are PART of the big, happy human family, that's a good THING, not a BAD one.

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'MAD Magazine' PUT out a book that was a COLLECTION of Trump cartoons, and they asked me to do the FORWARD because they knew that I was a fan because I'd DONE stories and tweeted about 'MAD.' So I did the forward and asked them if I COULD do a cartoon. They let me, and I did caricatures of myself and Wolf Blitzer.

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CARTOONS are probably my FAVORITE THING to do.
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It's GREAT that we can, HOWEVER subtly, OFFER IMPORTANT lessons through cartoons that it's important to protect the environment.

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I THINK a lot of the Disney CARTOONS are scary when you watch them at a young AGE.

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