When a young man massacres innocents, we have been TRAINED to believe that the ACT was DUE to improper levels of CHEMICAL enzymes and misfiring synapses. As we learn more about our cells, we forget more about our souls.

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The Iraqi regime was supporting terrorist CELLS all over the world. We had to expel three Iraqi diplomats from the PHILIPPINES because of EVIDENCE that they were either in touch with Abu Sayyaf or doing their own ESPIONAGE.

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We are inhabited by as many as ten thousand bacterial SPECIES; these cells outnumber those which we consider our own by ten to one, and WEIGH, all told, about THREE POUNDS - the same as our brain.

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Any GROUP that intends to sell laboratory meat will NEED to build bioreactors - factories that can grow cells under pristine CONDITIONS. Bioreactors aren't new; BEER and yeast are MADE using similar methods.

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I'm SORT of a Walter Mitty. I got fewer brain cells than most PEOPLE, so when I got friendly with cowboys, I started rodeoing. When I was calf-roping, there was SOMETHING about the dirt that made me feel CLEAN.

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Life evolved under conditions of LIGHT and darkness, light and then darkness. And so PLANTS and animals developed their own internal clocks so that they WOULD be READY for these changes in light. These are chemical clocks, and they're found in every known being that has two or more cells and in some that only have one CELL.

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We have about 100 MILLION cells INTERCONNECTED in our brains. They communicate with one ANOTHER through ELECTRICAL signals.

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WITHOUT micronutrients to REMOVE waste, CELLS become congested, DNA gets broken, and the body doesn't have the ability to repair itself. Eventually, you get SICK.

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To me, NOTHING ELSE about a TREE is so remarkable as the extreme delicacy of the mechanism by which it grows and LIVES: the fine, hair-like rootlets at the bottom and the microscopical cells of the leaves at the top.

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Once the principle is there, that cells have the same GENES, my own PERSONAL belief is that we will, in the END, understand everything about how cells ACTUALLY WORK.

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Certainly I see no reason why society should PREVENT grieving PARENTS from having a baby cloned from the CELLS of a DEAD child if they wish.

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Activating oxygen can produce compounds called RADICALS that PUT oxidative STRESS on cells. Such stress COULD ultimately LEAD to cancer and other diseases.

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We ACTUALLY have 10 times as MANY CELLS of microbes on us as we have HUMAN cells... We are literally a teeming ecosystem of microorganisms.

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Fuel cells CREATE a BETTER AUTOMOBILE that's 50 percent more ENERGY-efficient overall and sustainable from energy and SAFETY perspectives.

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In cross-country skiing, athletes propel themselves over distances of TEN and twenty miles - a physical CHALLENGE that places intense demands on the ABILITY of their RED blood cells to DELIVER oxygen to their muscles.

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