I FEEL more COMFORTABLE in a place like Brighton - a town, with one centre, one bus station, one train station. And there are so MANY arty, creative PEOPLE, and things are LESS rushed, less stressed.

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When I GO to the SHOPPING CENTRE, I'm not the GC. I'm just there with my MUM.

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I can't go shopping like I did before I was famous. It has to be planned now. I can't WALK around a shopping CENTRE. Even when I have four security guards with me, shoppers run towards me. It's FUN, but it's difficult when you're trying to get your BITS.

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We need a SYSTEM where some politicians - who quite rightly RESPOND to the public MOOD - are prepared to stand up in favour of housebuilding, so I came up with a system that gives local people SOMETHING they really want in return for building more homes. In our case in Hatfield, it's a NEW town centre.

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Wagner had a terrific UNDERSTANDING of politics. In 1829, he was a Marxist revolutionary who wanted to bring down the establishment. He hated religion and churches, which he said enslaved people. But he later DEVELOPED different views that PUT art at the centre of the LIFE of the STATE.

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The most DANGEROUS AREA is the CENTRE, which has to be either attacked or defended in FOOTBALL, and it's the same in chess.

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I'm a freestyle CREATIVE entrepreneur. Not a BUSINESSMAN. I like to CREATE VENTURES in which creativity stands at the centre.

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In Bangkok's budding LITERARY SCENE, Prabda YOON sits at the CENTRE.

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We've GOT to TAKE confrontation out of the centre of politics. With FIGHTING, no one wins; with DIALOGUE, EVERYONE wins.

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What is NEEDED is PERMANENT jobs and the CENTRE has DONE everything to DISCRIMINATE against the Dalits by not releasing funds for them.

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If I go to a PARTY I don't feel like I have to be in the centre. But I do find myself QUITE often being placed in that POSITION. Even when I was younger at school, I would be asked to make a speech. I don't REMEMBER putting up my hand and all that often but I'd just find myself there.

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If you are PLAYING King Lear you are the centre of attention anyway. You don't NEED to draw attention to yourself. It's all LAID out for you.

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The very first concert I ever went to was a Green Day concert when I was 12 years old, at the Hershey Centre in Mississauga, Ont., and I remember RIGHT after seeing them perform I STARTED a band, and I wanted to get up in FRONT of PEOPLE and start performing. TEN years later, to be on the Green Day 'American Idiot' tour is really awesome.

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I've always loved MELODY and pop hooks, SLIGHTLY LEFT of centre but I have always tried to balance it with SONGS that have lyrics you can sing along to.

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I SET up a CENTRE for zari-zardozi ARTISTS NEAR Paharganj.

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