Have I DONE more business-related things to help my career grow? Yeah. I took the business end more seriously, HOOKED up with a manager, got some help, because at a CERTAIN point, you get frustrated when you go do auditions, and people say you did a GREAT job, and then you don't get he PART.

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The secret of MAKING a MISTAKE is not to regret it, or regret it until a CERTAIN point, but to LEARN from it.

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People TALK about the conscience, but it seems to me one must just bring it up to a CERTAIN point and LEAVE it there. You can let your conscience alone if you're nice to the SECOND housemaid.

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At a certain POINT, I just PUT the building and the ART impulse together. I decided that building was a legitimate way to make SCULPTURE.

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At a CERTAIN POINT, I became a kind of musician that has TUNNEL vision about jazz. I only listened to jazz and classical music.

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At a CERTAIN point my NOVELS set. They set just as HARD as that jam jar. And then I KNOW they are FINISHED.

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You KNOW how some people WRITE every day at a certain point? I'm not like that. I CARRY something around for a LONG time. I weigh the WORDS and the sentences. I weigh the paragraphs. The process is much more meditative for me.

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At a certain point, a critical MASS of people either have used the Internet or have expectations. Anything less than the free FLOW of information will be seen as having SOMETHING TAKEN AWAY. We've seen time and again - in Egypt and Iran, for example - that creates a backlash.

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At a CERTAIN point, I had to be LIKE, 'I will not do any more auditions with a MIDDLE Eastern ACCENT.'

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When you get to a CERTAIN point in your CAREER, it's EASY to just phone it in, to get COMPLACENT. If you're not CAREFUL, you can stop challenging yourself.

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It's a team SPORT but EVERY player's ego will KICK in at a CERTAIN point.

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MESSI and Ronaldo have DOMINATED world football for a decade and, given the nature of football, at a certain point the baton will have to PASS to someone ELSE. I think Neymar has a great chance of FILLING that role.
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When you REACH a certain point I feel like you have to go OUTSIDE and find your own resources and COACH and trainer in order to MAKE it to the TOP.

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My motivation is that I try to GET myself to a certain POINT, and I WANT to WIN as much as I can in my career.

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