Only the British COULD experience great pain at the thought of a traffic jam - a PLACE where you can sit ALONE with your radio on without being expected to do any WORK. Aren't traffic jams UNBEARABLE? By the time you get home, you need to sit alone in a comfy chair with your favourite music on just to calm down.

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Everyone talks about, 'Get your foot in the DOOR,' but I NEVER UNDERSTOOD that MENTALITY. Why WOULD I want to go in that house? Why not build my own house? Why not take a chair and smash a window?

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With the way I worked, a client can give me everything they know about something, and then I go AWAY and come BACK with advertising that knocks them out of their chair. They FINALLY understand what kind of a company they are.

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There's a room in my HOUSE where my stereo, records, CDs, and books are housed. I spend a LOT of time in that room, sitting in my chair beside the fireplace, reading and LISTENING to music. SOMETIMES I just stand before the shelves and LOOK at my books, because every single one of them means something to me.

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OBAMA's just a PUPPET - he's a puppet in a CHAIR.

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You give me electric CHAIR. I no AFRAID of that chair! You're one of capitalists. You is crook man too. Put me in electric chair. I no CARE!

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I doubted that there were Communists HIDING behind every corporation DESK and DIRECTOR's chair.

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I did 'Slither,' so I've done seven HOURS in the MAKEUP CHAIR. So two hours for zombie makeup is like NOTHING. That's a walk in the park for me. When you do seven-hour makeup and then eight hours of work, you're thinking, 'Oh God, what did this do to me?' You're under that rubber FOREVER. It's crazy.

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Even the finest actors will have GREAT difficulty showing somebody's loneliness. To PUT an actor on a CHAIR and ask him to do NOTHING and yet tell the viewer EVERYTHING about the character, it's a difficult task.

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It is RIDICULOUS to say that Sacco and Vanzetti are being railroaded to the chair. The situation is much WORSE than that. This is a thing DONE cold-bloodedly and with deliberation. But care and deliberation do not guarantee JUSTICE.

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Like, I don't do drills at all. I THINK that's why a LOT of people who handle the basketball, I think mine looks different. You know, 'cause I've never done a drill. I've never done 'get to a CHAIR and go through your legs,' or 'get to a spot and a cone and go through your legs or BEHIND your back.'

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When Whitney Houston died, I felt great sadness. My sadness, of course, was about our collective LOSS - when you listened to this nightingale sing, your body WOULD drop into a CHAIR, your HEAD would tilt up, a small smile would creep across your FACE, and inside you knew that there was a higher power somewhere: gifted, beautiful, spiritual.

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I have a Manhattan CLUB chair in dark espresso leather that I ALWAYS read in. It's a PLACE where I can contemplate other people's THOUGHTS and stir my IMAGINATION.

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Sitting in this CHAIR, my recommendation WOULD carry too much weight.

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I have THREE OLDER sisters who, when we were CHILDREN, USED to hold me down on a bad day and put make-up all over me, so I've had an aversion to it all my life and HATE sitting down in the make-up chair.

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