We send messages all the time, FREE of charge. There's a BIG shell out there now, 80 light-years around US. A civilization only a little more advanced than we are can PICK those things up.

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For although Claudius had been accused of gambling and drunkenness, not only were no worse sins laid to his charge, but he had SUCCESSFULLY established some CLAIM to being considered a LEARNED MAN.

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Scientific men can hardly escape the charge of IGNORANCE with REGARD to the precise effect of the IMPACT of modern science upon the mode of LIVING of the people and upon their civilisation.

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To people who traditionally CHARGE $10,000 for a 3D animating APP, we say you should be free-to-play and generate a revenue STREAM. Think of a 3D MODELING package ALMOST like an RPG.

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What I didn't REALIZE until much later, in hindsight, was I had subconsciously been choosing PROJECTS where the woman was in CHARGE of her own destiny.

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If we COULD just FIND out who's in CHARGE, we could kill him.

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The people currently in charge have FORGOTTEN the first principle of an OPEN society, namely that we may be WRONG and that there has to be free DISCUSSION. That it's possible to be opposed to the POLICIES without being unpatriotic.

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UNDERSTAND tipping CULTURE. WHEREAS Americans tip 15-20% when dining out, most European COUNTRIES don't tip, as a service CHARGE is typically included in the bill. Make sure you're not over-tipping by doing research before traveling.

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Football NEEDS its roots, it needs its connection with the supporters. But those in CHARGE SEEM to think they can do WITHOUT them.

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It's a question of whether or not we the PEOPLE are still in CHARGE. And by 'we the people,' I MEAN, is this truly a government of and by and for the people.

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If the EDUCATION of our kids comes from radio, television, newspapers - if that's where they GET most of their knowledge from, and not from the schools, then the POWERS that be are DEFINITELY in charge, because they own all those outlets.

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My FATHER values TALENT. He is colorblind and gender NEUTRAL. When Donald Trump is in CHARGE, all that counts is ABILITY, excellence, and effort.

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Well, Mark, I LED the CHARGE for five or SIX years to get reforms for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I was chairman of an organization called 'FM POLICY Focus.' What we were saying was, if there was blip in the HOUSING market, Fannie and Freddie would destabilize the greatest economy in the world.

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In a TIME when supernatural dramas are TAKING charge, DIL Toh HAPPY Hai Ji' is a slice-of-life story. I have grown up watching such shows and I am sure the audience will love it too.

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It is a CORE PRINCIPLE that prosecutors should charge and pursue the most serious readily provable OFFENSE.

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