I'm not sure I can explain the nature of Jack Kennedy's CHARM, but he TOOK LIFE just as it CAME.

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I know, I know - MEN have that extra hero gene in their FOOLISH MAKEUP; it's PART of our CHARM. But I happen to know some women who have their inner sports hero, too.

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I LOVE MANCHESTER. It's a super-cool city and its FAMOUS rain is part of the charm.

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Well, I love Europe and I love Europeans; when I look at my own personal travel, for most of my life, 80 percent of it has been to European countries. And that was LONG before I EVER CONSIDERED becoming an ambassador or was offered the opportunity, because I love everything about Europe. I like the CULTURE. I like the food. I like the charm.

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When I tell my husband stories of how I've GROWN up, he can't relate to it. I like it though, yeah, it's a badge of HONOUR. You're from Up North, you've GOT to be a tiny bit ROUGH round the edges. That's the charm!

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I LOVED EARLY PAUL Newman FILMS. He just had this effortless CHARM.

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Every human being has a plethora of emotions. As an actor, we are LUCKY to TAKE them out and portray onscreen. But in normal LIFE you can't do that. That is the CHARM of LEADING an actor's life.

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There is a CHARM about the FORBIDDEN that MAKES it unspeakably desirable.

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When we were younger, we would LOVE to DRESS up. But now, being a celebrity, you know how MUCH we dress up regularly, so that KIND of takes away the CHARM.

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'The Muppets' is REALLY about INNOCENCE and charm and sweetness and LIGHT and having HOPE - and stupid gags.

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Because I GREW up with women, I have a CERTAIN amount of charm, and I'm all RIGHT to get on with, kind ENOUGH, funny enough, blah blah blah.

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You don't LEARN charm. It's not something that you can acquire. I have used it much in my life with GREAT success, but it's not necessarily what makes me an actor. It became a very easy label to attach to me. It also feels a BIT dismissive. PEOPLE go, 'You're so lovely and CHARMING', but it's a wee bit, 'That's all you are.'

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Remote VILLAGES and COMMUNITIES have lost their identity, and their PEACE and CHARM have been sacrificed to that WORST of abominations, the automobile.

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I THINK there is an extreme charm in the FRENCH, and ACTUALLY it's their bolshiness that MAKES them such FUN.

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