You need to be ABLE to climb into a narrative and zip it up under your CHIN. You need to be able to SEE through the eyes of the hero, smell what he's smelling, hear what he's HEARING.

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I originally GOT into this because of a five-year-old's begrudgery of his teacher. Mrs. Lawlor cast me as a tree, and I was disgusted. I was sure I had more to OFFER than that. It was like, 'OK, if you want me to be set dressing, fine, I'll TAKE it on the CHIN but I'll show you - I'm going to be a big actor some day.'

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I've been saying for years, Froch is an easy FIGHT, chin's up in the air, feet are all over the place, technically TERRIBLE. But he's TOUGH, he's STRONG, he's fit for 12 rounds, he comes on strong the LAST few rounds.

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Listen, if anyone hits you on the CHIN you are probably GOING to get HURT.

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I THINK there are LOT more LOWS in an athletes CAREER than the highs, but you've got to be bale to take them on the CHIN.

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Big Nog and me are TWO different TYPES of fighters. Nogeuira lived by his CHIN, he wasn't AFRAID to take a lot of punishment in order to DISH out a whole lot of punishment. Personally, I know I can take a really big shot. I'd rather not.

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I busted my chin OPEN trying to be Evel Knievel on my bike. When it happened, you COULD see STRAIGHT through to the BONE, I THOUGHT my dad was going to pass out. It left a scar that I still have now.

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The most INTERESTING thing about creating a knockout is SOMETIMES you feel absolutely nothing. As SOON as impact connects to their chin everything goes limp and their muscles aren't FIGHTING back so you're punch is able to go all the WAY through.

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Brock Lesnar's stand-up sucks. He doesn't have a chin. Brock has got to TAKE him to the ground, because MARK Hunt will KNOCK him BACK to pro WRESTLING if he hits him.

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Does anybody remember, back in the depths of the RECESSION of 1981-82, how President Reagan kept his chin up and exhorted AMERICAN businesses to WORK HARD and produce an ECONOMIC recovery?

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So much of COMEDY HAPPENS between your chin and your shoulders. Nobody tells you when you get your own TV show that you're going to WATCH yourself in the edit room over and over and over again. It's a tough LESSON.

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I have what I like to CALL a 'chinneck.' My chin just flows RATHER EASILY into my NECK.

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There's a WHOLE apparatus for indie bands now, but back in the eighties it was just getting BUILT. The early people REALLY TOOK it on the CHIN.

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