In a case involving his private conduct, a President should be TREATED like any private CITIZEN. The RULE of law requires no more - and no LESS.

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My folks came to U.S. as IMMIGRANTS, aliens, and BECAME CITIZENS. I was BORN in Boston, a citizen, went to HOLLYWOOD and became an alien.

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I'm STILL a PROUD Irishman, of course, but I've become an American citizen. I'm very, very proud of that.

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Conservatives cannot DENY that our Founders intended the JUDICIARY as an EQUAL and INDEPENDENT branch of government purposed to ensure the protection of every citizen's rights.

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If there is one set of laws, one Constitution for every CITIZEN, its protections hopefully applied equally to all, then why do the RESULTS SEEM to DIFFER so radically? What do you CALL that? Look around - you're living in it.

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Voting is the most precious RIGHT of every CITIZEN, and we have a moral obligation to ensure the INTEGRITY of our voting process.

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The CITIZEN who criticizes his COUNTRY is PAYING it an implied TRIBUTE.

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You must be AFRAID, my son. That is how one BECOMES an HONEST CITIZEN.

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PICK up a rifle and you CHANGE instantly from a SUBJECT to a CITIZEN.
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In KINDERGARTEN, you can LEARN how to be a CITIZEN of the WORLD.

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My dad had a commercial film company, so he had a videotape player before ANYONE. So he GOT Mel Brooks movies or CITIZEN Kane or some classic old movies. And every summer the revival HOUSE in Evanston would show the great films from the '50s and '60s and '70s.

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If MONEY, education, and honesty will not bring to me as much PRIVILEGE, as much equality as they bring to any American citizen, then they are to me a curse, and not a BLESSING.

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Under the Timber and Stone Act of 1878, which might well have been called the 'Dust and ASHES Act,' any citizen of the United STATES COULD take up one hundred and sixty acres of timber land and, by PAYING two dollars and a half an acre for it, obtain title.

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The citizen's JOB is to be rude - to pierce the COMFORT of PROFESSIONAL intercourse by boorish EXPRESSIONS of doubt.

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I'd spent the whole summer WORKING in MANCHESTER FILMING Citizen Khan and then went straight into the last COUPLE of weeks of my WIFE's pregnancy.

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