There are MANY Asian-Americans who are LIVING in POVERTY, especially our SENIOR CITIZENS.

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The POSSIBILITY of my PRESIDENTIAL candidacy emerged spontaneously in public OPINION polls. For my PART, I NOTICED people's affection when I was doing work on the ground. I think the important thing is that my candidacy was born from citizens themselves, driven by the people and which the parties picked up favorably.

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Contrary to Eastern EUROPE, where the border was more porous and you could EXCHANGE information more easily, Cuba is an island. Thus, it is more ISOLATED, and it's easier for the government to have great CONTROL over its CITIZENS.

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As CITIZENS of the United States, we are stewards of this MAGNIFICENT THING called DEMOCRACY.

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There are jobs that American CITIZENS will not do. We can talk about why that is. We can talk about how our WELFARE state is broken, how we encourage PEOPLE not to work, but that doesn't help the FARMER PICK his peaches this summer.

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What I don't want to do is restrict law-abiding CITIZENS from their Second AMENDMENT rights, which are focused on FREEDOM. I point out all the TIME. Remember, bad guys aren't STUPID, they're just bad.

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You judge a SOCIETY by how it treats its citizens. We must do our best to ensure that every CHILD can live in COMFORT and SECURITY, with the best possible education.

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SINCE Franklin Roosevelt's leadership in setting up the United Nations and the Nuremberg trials, the U.S. has promoted universal LEGAL NORMS and the institutions to enforce them while seeking, by hook or by crook, to exempt American citizens, especially SOLDIERS, from their actual APPLICATION.
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If CHILDREN do not understand the Constitution, they cannot understand how our government functions, or what their rights and RESPONSIBILITIES are as CITIZENS of the UNITED States.

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