I had no connections, and the fashion WORLD was a closed ELITE. So my mother made appointments for herself with three top Parisian makeup artists and spoke HIGHLY about me... she was my first publicist!

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PERSONALLY, when things upset me, I GET quiet and CLOSED off. I have nothing to say, and a CHILL sets in while I think about what's going on.
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And this fear that US models are replacing everything else now spills over from the SPHERE of CULTURE into our TWO remaining categories: for this process is clearly, at one level, the result of economic domination - of local cultural industries CLOSED down by AMERICAN rivals.

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I am so unbelievably EXCITED to SHARE 'I Hope' with the world. After my 'Idol' chapter CLOSED, I knew this SONG was the one I WANTED to frame myself with.

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I consider Apple to be very closed. Let's SAY you have a book business, and you are charging 5 to 7 PERCENT GROSS margins; you can't exist in an Apple world because they want 30 percent, and they don't CARE that you only have 7 percent to play with.

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After SCHOOL, I'd HANG out at the BORDERS BOOKSTORE until it CLOSED.

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PUBLIC displays of puritanical religiosity mask the private perversions of the REAL Washington BEHIND closed DOORS.
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People tend to think of Brisbane as a sleepy, sub-topical PLACE. I don't know. It's like Baltimore or SOMETHING. I don't know. You would hear the family dramas GOING on BEHIND closed doors.

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I went to Spago once, EIGHT years ago. I had just closed a DEAL. I thought it WOULD be fun to go to Spago and it wasn't. I got a BAD table and nobody PAID any attention to me.

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I am in a CLOSED state where I'm just reacting and MOVING based on my instincts, KNOWLEDGE, technique and YEARS of experience.

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Our STORE was so SMALL, it had no BACK or second floor. We just SLEPT on the counter late at night after the store was CLOSED.

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A lot of the JOKE of 'The Windsors' is this RIDICULOUS idea of what MIGHT happen BEHIND CLOSED doors.

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In a CLOSED society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of THIEVES, the only final SIN is stupidity.

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