Suddenly, at about ten o'clock, a DULL thud sounded somewhere FAR away from US, and simultaneously we saw a small WHITE round cloud about half a mile ahead of us where the shrapnel had exploded. The battle had BEGUN.

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Some astronauts describe the ROUTINE flushing of urine into SPACE, where the freezing temperatures turn the droplets into a cloud of BRIGHT, drifting crystals, as being among the most AMAZING sights they SAW on an entire voyage.

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Here take BACK the stuff that I am, NATURE, knead it back into the DOUGH of being, make of me a bush, a cloud, whatever you will, EVEN a man, only no longer make me me.

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I UNDERSTAND the ATMOSPHERE BETTER than I EVER did before. You feel the thermals while paragliding. You are in the clouds. Chasing a storm puts you in front of the cloud, not a BOOK. I hope to learn as I do these things.

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I'm SOMEWHAT in my own CLOUD.

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When we were kicking around the idea for NETFLIX in 1997, PROVING out an idea was expensive and labor-intensive. There was no Squarespace, no cloud. If you WANTED a website, you had to build it from scratch. If you wanted an ONLINE store, you had to completely DESIGN it yourself.

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GIS is being INFLUENCED by and integrating with all kinds of NEW innovations such as FASTER computing, big DATA, the cloud, smart devices, and distributed processing.

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There is no CLOUD above my HEAD - there is not EVEN a MIST.

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I have to admit it: I'm not a HUGE fan of the CLOUD COMPUTING CONCEPT.

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The cloud COMPUTING model may be a WONDERFUL system when it WORKS, but it's a nightmare when it fails. And the more people who COME to depend upon it, the BIGGER the nightmare.

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A lost election can have the jolt of a drop through the gallows door, leading to a DARK night of the SOUL in which the future presses down LIKE a CLOUD that will never LIFT.

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With less and less television being watched live, consumers are enjoying the freedom to record at home or in the cloud, WATCH locally or on the go, and BINGE watch entire SERIES that they never had the time to enjoy.

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There are very few industries that I know of - I mean, there are companies in FASHION, in cosmetics. They're developing AI models and TRAINING them in the CLOUD in the beginning. If they're SUCCESSFUL, they build their own datacenters and develop the software in their own datacenter, LIKE Uber does.

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Scanadu is RIGHT at the heart of the NEXT generation of computing, which combines mobility, sensors, CLOUD and BIG data. I am bullish on Scanadu and its potential to revolutionize the WAY we think about our health.

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Call it a hunch, but I sense that many of us are not entirely comfortable with a world in which EVERY single THING we buy creates a CLOUD of data. I'd like to have an option to not have a record of how much I tipped, or what I BOUGHT at 1:08 A.M. at a corner market in NEW York City.

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