I never found STRIKING to be an effective form of fighting. I still CLOWN people and tell them how animals in the WILD that are hunted, they have to strike, bulls and rams, they use striking as protective NATURE. But the ones who are the predators, they're the grapplers who go for the throat.

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I SAW a CLOWN knock the head off another clown and I THOUGHT it was the REAL thing. It scared me so much, I MADE my mother take me home and I've dodged circuses ever since.

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My father passed AWAY when I was 12, so it was very difficult. But I was always the CLASS clown. I don't KNOW why - maybe as an ESCAPE. But then I was SENT away to military prep school.

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I don't feel any need to play the ROLE of the CLOWN. In my PRIVATE LIFE I take a break from humor.

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I remember, when I was a KID, I was a class clown, and I got into a LOT of TROUBLE for it, and I had to be PUT in a special class. Back in the eighties, in Nepean, Ontario, they just had a class for anyone they didn't want around. It was sort of like school jail.

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The Green Hornet was a HUMAN superhero. And he didn't wear a clown COSTUME. And he was a CRIMINAL - in the eyes of the LAW - and in the eyes of the criminal WORLD.

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As a child, I was a CLOWN. I didn't hesitate to make a fool of myself and I WOULD LOVE to completely take on wacky CHARACTERS.

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Some directors are REALLY strong on action, manhandling you around the SET; others are very focused on SETTING up the camera shots and PRACTICALLY ignore you. You have to GET used to introverts, extroverts, directors who clown around for the crew, and the odd one who's monosyllabic.

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I was a CLASS CLOWN, but I'm not a bully.

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It's my JOB to be the Pierrot, the CLOWN, in the theatrical SENSE.

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I just LOVE making a fool out of myself. I MADE my living as a CLOWN at kids' parties for about three YEARS.

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My career actually STARTED in the second grade as class CLOWN. That's no JOKE. I was always making people laugh, and it was really to MASK a learning disability... When it came time for me to read out loud, I would crack jokes or create a diversion.

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I WOULD like to do COMEDY. I can be a bit of a Jim Carrey. I was ALWAYS the CLASS CLOWN.

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Not only was I an 'X Factor' WINNER that got DROPPED by Syco - and when that HAPPENS, you're NEVER heard of again - but everyone thought I was a clown.

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I've always been a CLOWN trapped in a leading MAN's BODY.

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