I never get nervous and I'm ALWAYS very confident to the point where some PEOPLE THINK I'm COCKY.

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I can EXPRESS my will on the COURT. I'm KIND of, how you say... a LITTLE bit cocky and try to fight some guys.

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I feel like I can get any shot I want. That's not to SOUND COCKY or conceited. It's because I've played basketball basically every day of my life. So at some point, I've taken just about every shot there is. I've figured out the angles, almost like a pool shark. I know where to USE the glass, which dribble I need and which spot I want to REACH.

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ALWAYS thinking that you're not very GOOD is far better than being COCKY.
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Road RACING has given me a GOOD LIFE, and I'm not being COCKY, but I've brought something to racing, too.

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I might be CONFIDENT in what I do, and sometimes you can be COCKY and confident because you KNOW what your ABILITIES are and you know what your car is going to give you.

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I don't want to be cocky, but I want to WIN a CHAMPIONSHIP and feel that with my TEAM, I have the ability.

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You may not like me. You may THINK I'm COCKY or ARROGANT. But you will be THINKING about me.

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I WANT to stay humble and not sound COCKY. But at the same time I don't want to be the LITTLE HIGH schooler.

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I match up with the best guys in the WORLD. I'm not being cocky; it's just ALWAYS how I felt. But I got into trouble as soon as I got into the NBA, and it left a BAD TASTE in a lot of people's mouths.

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I believe in myself and maybe people take that as cocky and FLASH but in this GAME you have to believe in yourself or you won't get ANYWHERE.

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