I love to COLLABORATE with artists, LIKE Guy Bourdin and Steven Klein, who don't have any BOUNDARIES.

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What I'd LIKE to do is TRY as MANY DIFFERENT ways of working as POSSIBLE. That's what I'm looking to do - collaborate with as many different directors.

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I GET to collaborate and TELL stories with MOVING PHOTOGRAPHS.

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I'm extremely proud I was BORN and raised in the Bay Area and loved representing Oakland. I started recording in the Bay Area and worked with a LOT of different producers. But I always WANTED to collaborate with different writers and GET different perspectives.

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We'd LOVE to collaborate with Sam Smith. I've told him. MANY times. We've got loads of songs we've WRITTEN that we can literally just hear his VOICE on.

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We do not COLLABORATE with SENS at this TIME but we SUPPORT their MISSION.

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It's interesting that a LOT of FEMALE artists WANT to collaborate with me.

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If CONFIRMED, my overall guiding objective for our RELATIONSHIP with India would be to solidify an enduring strategic PARTNERSHIP underpinned by strong defence cooperation with an Indian military able to collaborate effectively with the United States to address shared INTERESTS.

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I'd want to start being a creative director of a SPECIFIC line, LIKE Adidas, for example. If they called me up to COLLABORATE on something, I would do it.

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We have a RICH and vibrant partner ecosystem with SEVERAL THOUSAND formal business PARTNERS. Some of them are very large companies that we collaborate with in many WAYS.

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In our GROUP, it was a NECESSARY requirement that one has to be ABLE to COLLABORATE.

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When projects like a pipeline are imposed on a province without a buy-in, without a collaborate approach, they just don't go ahead. What happens is they GET caught up in COURT, there's court challenges, the project doesn't PROCEED.

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I have a band called M&O. We were working on our FIRST album in 2011 or 2012. We were looking for people to collaborate with, and I met CHANCE through a Young CHICAGO Authors POETRY slam.

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I LIKE to collaborate on my music. The creative PROCESS is FUN, and you get a lot of ideas from having DISCUSSIONS about it. Ultimately, the FINAL decision is mine.

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ELECTRONIC musicians are QUITE like writers or painters. They are quite ISOLATED in their home studios. We often don't have that the opportunity to collaborate with that MANY people, like in rock or JAZZ.
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