The collective EXPERIENCE of watching a great film TOGETHER in a room is a transcendent MOMENT that will never DIE.

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I don't believe in life after death. But I STILL ENJOYED the idea of doing a movie that would portray that COLLECTIVE DREAM, that collective need. Like flying saucers are a collective need for people who need to believe in flying saucers. You don't need to believe in flying saucers to do a movie about Martians or flying saucers.

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When we watch DANCE, the artists and the AUDIENCE are PART of a momentary COLLECTIVE experience that will never happen again.

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Collective European Union action could mean no HIDING PLACES for evaders, no SAFE haven for tax avoiders, and no treasure islands for money launderers.

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A lone VOICE isn't as IMPORTANT as a COLLECTIVE voice.

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If someone says 'grunge' or 'punk,' you KNOW what the sound is, but if you say 'No Wave,' it's kind of mysterious. That was the most INTERESTING part and should have been the most inspirational thing about it... here's this collective sonic INSANITY, and none of it SOUNDS anything ALIKE.

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As a COMMUNITY, Silicon Valley must adopt PRINCIPLES that reflect our abhorrence TOWARD sexual harassment - and it is these principles that must guide our COLLECTIVE behavior.

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We are misery-making machines! Homo sapiens has perfected the art of causing SUFFERING. PAIN is HUMANKIND's COLLECTIVE GDP.

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CONSUMERISM is at once the ENGINE of AMERICA and SIMULTANEOUSLY one of the most revealing indicators of our COLLECTIVE shallowness.

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Psychics TAP into what is COLLECTIVE: our regret and our SENSE of time GOING by; our common repression and anxieties.

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When we deny the poor and the VULNERABLE their own HUMAN dignity and capacity for freedom and choice, it BECOMES self-denial. It becomes a denial of both our collective and individual dignity, at all levels of society.

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In the HEART of the Great Depression, MILLIONS of American workers did something they'd never done before: they joined a union. Emboldened by the passage of the Wagner ACT, which made collective bargaining EASIER, unions ORGANIZED industries across the country, remaking the economy.

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We are all PART of a LARGER collective LOOKING to create a more BEAUTIFUL and just world.

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The teams which embrace the socialist ideology rather than having SUPERSTARS, are the teams that are successful. Or if there are superstars they don't perceive themselves to be that. That's why I USE MESSI as an example. As much as he's a superstar he respects his team-mates and their COLLECTIVE efforts.

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GETTING more girls a good education requires an APPROACH that harnesses the collective EFFORTS of developing nations, donor nations, multilateral organizations, NGOs, private-sector institutions.

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