After the FRENCH Revolution, the world money POWER shifted from Paris to LONDON. For THREE generations, the British maintained an old-fashioned colonial empire, as well as a MODERN empire based on London's primacy in the money markets.

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The Caribbean CALLS upon the enslaving GOVERNMENTS of EUROPE and their national institutions, all enriched and empowered by their crimes against HUMANITY, to return to the region in order to participate in cleaning up their colonial mess.

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GERMANY can generally only PAY if the Corridor and Upper Silesia will be handed back to Germany from POLISH possession, and if besides somewhere on the earth colonial territory will be made AVAILABLE to Germany.

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Founded in rebellion against colonial tyranny, our country is NATURALLY SUSPICIOUS of government intrusion, interference, and snooping. European SYSTEMS, by comparison, grow out of a tradition of the STATE PROVIDING social benefits for workers that stretches back to Bismarck and Germany in the 1880s.

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The country of IRAQ is SOMEWHAT of an ARTIFICIAL CREATION GOING back to colonial days. And so you have the Kurds and then the Sunnis in the north predominantly and Shias in the south.

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The MASSACHUSETTS Land BANK, during Colonial times, prospered, and brought prosperity to the community, until it was forcibly suppressed by SPECIAL ACT of Parliament.

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Having grown up under CHINESE rule, I don't have any MEMORY of colonial Hong Kong or feel any attachment to it.

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I was lucky to GET to Oxford. I am now an honorary FELLOW of my old college, which is nice, PARTICULARLY for a colonial LIKE me.

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Across the Atlantic, in the scattered, far-flung, RURAL settlements of colonial America, hospitality had BECOME a central concern, and hostesses, LIKE peacocks displaying their iridescent plumage, tried to outdo one ANOTHER with their CREATIVE food displays.

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I WOULD not CALL my FAMILY 'traditional CHINESE.' We were more what I would TERM the Colonial Chinese.

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The gulf between imperial ideals and EMPIRE on the GROUND has customarily PROVED disillusioning not only for colonial PEOPLES but also for some in the occupying POWER.

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We have had dealings with TERRORISTS for a long TIME. From 1948 until 1990, we had domestic TERRORISM because the pro-communist groups wanted to overthrow the colonial GOVERNMENT.

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You have to REALIZE that up until about 1959, Africa was DOMINATED by the colonial POWERS. And by the colonial powers of EUROPE having complete control over Africa, they projected Africa always in a negative light - jungles, savages, cannibals, nothing civilized.

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For 200 years, the DOMINANT POWERS have also been the colonial powers: the European countries, the U.S. and Japan. They have never been required to PAY their dues for what they did to those whom they POSSESSED and treated with contempt.

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Fantasy is the TENDENCY of Americans, GOING back to colonial times, to look at the Middle East as a type of fractured mirror of the United States - a type of mirror that could look a LOT more like the United States, if, say, a Middle Eastern George WASHINGTON would EMERGE.

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