The GOLDEN moments in the stream of life RUSH past us, and we see nothing but sand; the angels COME to VISIT us, and we only know them when they are gone.

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What then is tragedy? In the Elizabethan period it was assumed that a PLAY ending in DEATH was a tragedy, but in recent YEARS we have come to UNDERSTAND that to live on is sometimes FAR more tragic than death.

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Tell the truth, work hard, and COME to DINNER on TIME.

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If you don't have a lens that's been trained to look at how various FORMS of discrimination come together, you're UNLIKELY to DEVELOP a set of POLICIES that will be as inclusive as they need to be.

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There is no such THING as paranoia. Your worst fears can COME TRUE at any MOMENT.

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Don't WORRY about being a STAR, worry about doing GOOD WORK, and all that will COME to you.

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I don't WORRY about GREAT visuals that they showed that weren't actually running on real hardware. It doesn't matter. Gamers don't make their PURCHASE decisions BASED on movies that were shown in May for products that COME out in March.

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Dreams do come TRUE, if we only wish hard ENOUGH, You can have ANYTHING in life if you will sacrifice EVERYTHING ELSE for it.

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I'm actually no longer a strict vegan. I don't HANG out in the cheese section - I don't EVEN EAT cheese. I don't drink MILK. But every once in a while I'll have an egg. I'm going to eat eggs that come out of my next-door neighbor's FARM, that's just the way it is.

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A LOT of PEOPLE are scared to COME visit my hometown, but to me, VIOLENCE is EVERYWHERE, man.

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When we seed millions of acres of land with these plants, what happens to foraging BIRDS, to insects, to microbes, to the other ANIMALS, when they come in contact and digest plants that are producing materials ranging from plastics to vaccines to pharmaceutical PRODUCTS?

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All the RICHES in the world do not come CLOSE to the HAPPINESS of having children and being a mother.

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WALK while YE have the LIGHT, lest DARKNESS COME upon you.

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War is big BUSINESS. It's a lot of money going to and fro, and unfortunately a lot of angst, and a lot of fear, and a lot of doubt. And eventually a lot of wonderful people, LIKE soldiers, like men and WOMEN that are out there trying to do the best they can, they come BACK being wounded on many LEVELS.

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I am mean; I'm NASTY at times. I don't feel like talking to people at times. When I am in a bad MOOD and have had a really AWFUL DAY, don't come in my face because I am not tolerant and I am not a goddess; I can't handle it after a POINT. I am going to get up, and I am going to scream, and I am going to say bad things to you.

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