People who know me, they know I have a SENSE of HUMOR, I'm a bit of a joker, a bit of a clown really, and I WOULDLOVE someone to exploit that SIDE of me and send me a romantic comedy.
I wanted to do a comedy. I'd been actively looking for a comedy. I wanted to do one that was DIFFERENT. NOTHING against them, but I wasn't INTERESTED in just your normal sitcom, BOY meets girl.
I'm really PROUD of 'Private Life.' It's about a MARRIAGE and a couple on the hunt to make a family by any means NECESSARY. They're on such an OBSESSIVE quest that, after awhile, you forget that it's even for a baby. It fits right in that middle pocket of being a comedy and a DRAMA.
A COMIC book and a straight DRAMA all have the same elements. If you're playing TRAGEDY, you have to be AWARE of the comedy; if you're playing comedy, you have to be aware of the tragedy. If you're playing comic book, you have to be aware of the reality.
The connection between pathos and BROADCOMEDY is very tight. But you do far more work in a comedy SCENE than you do in a straight scene. It's MUCH harder.
Well, all comedy starts with anger. You get angry, and its NEVER for a GOOD reason, RIGHT? You know its not a good reason. And then you try and WORK it from there.
I kind of thought that stand-up comedy WOULDSUFFER from the INTERNET because PEOPLE seem to know more about the craft of stand-up than ever before. I thought it would seem trite. Kind of like if you know more about magicians, you wouldn't love them.