When you SEE young players coming into the SQUAD and pushing you, no matter what age you are, you have to react. You have to WORRY about yourself and perform as well as you can. If you end up looking around at others, wondering who's PERFORMING better, you take your eye off the ball.

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We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop the SPRING or the FALL or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the UNIVERSE that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will CONTRIBUTE to life when each arrives.

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An election is COMING. Universal PEACE is declared, and the foxes have a SINCERE INTEREST in prolonging the LIVES of the poultry.

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When you come out of pick-and-roll, it's really tough to step BACK and shoot because the defender is COMING.

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People THINK I'm a freemason, and I'm not. People think I believe the END of the world is COMING on 21 DECEMBER 2012, and I don't.

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I went to stand-up when my rock N' roll dreams weren't coming TRUE. I KNEW it wasn't going to happen when I was in a New Wave band in 1992 - at the HEIGHT of grunge. Then I heard No Doubt's 'Spiderwebs' and I SAID, 'Well, we're done.' They did - and succeeded at - what we were trying to do.

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It is not the GOING out of PORT, but the COMING in, that determines the SUCCESS of a voyage.

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One of the biggest problems that EGYPT FACES is the lack of border security - the importation of WEAPONS on their WAY to Gaza, for example, COMING out of Sudan.

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I SHALL GIVE you hunger, and pain, and sleepless nights. ALSO BEAUTY, and satisfactions known to few, and glimpses of the heavenly life. None of these you shall have continually, and of their coming and going you shall not be foretold.

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It always seems LIKE COMING to my SECOND home whenever I come to Lucknow.

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There was no RESPECT for youth when I was young, and now that I am OLD, there is no respect for age, I MISSED it COMING and GOING.

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What's COMING will COME and we'll just have to MEET it when it does.

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Sometimes I can't think of a better way to end my day than coming home and just strumming my ukulele for a few MINUTES. I MEAN, I JOKE AROUND and TELL people that it's an entire yoga session in one strum, you know?

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MEDICAL TOURISM can be CONSIDERED a KIND of import: instead of the product coming to the consumer, as it does with cars or sneakers, the consumer is going to the product.
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There's a REASON I live in the MAINE woods, where nobody knows what I do for a living. I THINK you can be better if someone who's COMING to see you perform has no idea who you really are.

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